Sighing, she wondered what she was going to do. After all, this was new to her-not having her pillar of unconditional support. What was she going to do without Ella?

Suddenly a streak of genius flashed through her. If Ella had eloped with Pedro, then all she had to do was elope with them! It wasn't like she had anything holding her back now that Carlos was gone. The only problem was figuring out where Pedro might have taken Ella.

'Out of the country,' Ella's mother had mentioned. Mexico! Pedro was Mexican after all! Where else could they have gone? She was almost positive Pedro took Ella to Mexico City, his hometown.

Ignoring all the hazardous pit holes in her plan, Krislynn decided to take the bus up to the bank. She had a GIC investment worth a couple hundred dollars that she knew Carlos wouldn't have been able to tap into. That would be more than suffice to buy her a ticket down to Mexico.

She'll just have to take things one step at a time until she found Ella and charge all her debt onto her Visa with those outrageous interest rates. To Krislynn, it didn't matter what will happen to her. She could live with poverty, live with being in debt, live with being homeless and live with being lost and unsure in a foreign country, but she had to try---she couldn't live without her best friend.


Going to Mexico was initially supposed to be an escape because Chase couldn't deal with everything that was happening in L.A. Things were always happening in L.A, but this time it was different, he had just slept with one of his best friends' fiancée---that was like Beverly Hills 90210 stuff---more than what he could handle.

After leaving LaCienega, he had went home, packed, drove down to LAX and asked for the fastest plane leaving L.A without knowing where the hell he was going. He didn't care---just anywhere would do since his reason for leaving was so he could avoid Jace for at least a week.

Several hours later, he had gotten off the plane and discovered Fate had taken him to Mexico and not Africa or North Korea like he had hoped. Realizing there was no way he could repent his sins, he had called his staff back in L.A and told them he was going on vacation in Mexico for the next week.

He had no idea some blonde bimbo would get whiff of the news and follow him all the way to Mexico City begging for a movie role. Even more so, he had no idea he would make an enemy of a girl he didn't even know the name of---prior to the both of them getting into a food fight and getting hauled to the police station down the street. Now he knew her name was Krislynn Reimer, though it really didn't matter because he was planning to call her 'bitch' for the rest of his life.

"Look," she said calmly to the multiple police officers in the room who Chase doubt understood a word of English. "I don't even know why I'm here. I didn't do anything wrong."

"Yeah sure," Chase scoffed since the cops were busily ignoring them. "There's definitely nothing wrong with pouncing on a man in a thong in public and smearing potato salad all over his face." He snorted and turned away---pretty sure he still had a bit of salad up his nose.

"Yeah, well! I would have pounced on you with clothes on if you hadn't pulled my skirt off, jackass!"

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