Someone Special (ShigaTodo)

Start from the beginning

"Um... My name is... Shiggy?" The boy didn't question him because he was too naive to believe him.

"That's an interesting name. Mine is Shoto Todoroki." Todoroki? Isn't that Endeavor's last name? Were they family?

Shigaraki began to form his own questions in his head becoming even more curious with the dual haired boy. The boy looked at him as he walked over to sit on the deck.

Shigaraki decided to sit beside him as they talked for hours. He found out many things about the boy like his family situation and how he was the son of the number two "hero."

Then the boy was called in for dinner and the two dismissed each other. The dual haired boy turned to ask when he'll see the friend again but he was gone and the dual haired boy was left confused and a little bit saddened.

Shigaraki continued to walk the streets as he thought back to the dual haired boy and their conversation. In the distance he heard yelling coming from the same house.

He felt pity for the dual haired boy since no one would help him. Not the witnesses. Not the police. Not the heroes. And not even his own father.

He had been reminded so much of his younger self that he cursed the society that focused on the reliance on heroes.

A week had past and he had wondered how the dual haired boy was doing as he walked the streets again. He unintentionally found himself in the same messed up neighborhood as before with that same boy he was thinking about.

He decided to turn back as he saw a familiar head of dual colored hair at a near by park. The boy was sobbing again like the last time.

He wasn't sure if he should have confronted the other. He thought nothing good would come of getting involved with the boy.

The sobs began to muffle but the tears continued to stream the dual haired boy's face. Eventually, the sight was a bit to much for him to handle. He walked to the boy and called out to him.

The boy looked up to him. The boy had even more bruises than last time. It seemed like his father's 'training' had gotten more intense.

He sat next to the boy and asked him what was wrong. The boy cried out to him and hugged him which shocked him. Shigaraki panicked since he didn't know how to get the boy off without touching him.

He just let the boy cry until he had calm down. The boy then explained that his mother had to go away again. Apparently this wasn't the first time this happened it seemed to be a reoccurring thing.

He didn't know on what to say in this situation but when he thought back to how everyone abandoned him he tried his best to comfort the boy.

"Hey don't blame yourself it's not your fault, the world is cruel but that's the way it is." The boy looked up at him and nodded the boy seemed to feel better as he cuddle close to the cornflower boy.

He spent hours with the boy making him feel at peace and comforting him before he was looked for by his father.

Afterwards the two kept meeting at the park almost every day for the next few months. They just chatted with each other, sympathized with one another and comforted one another.

But soon after those months turned into three years of the same routine. They never one felt lonely but the cornflower haired boy knew this could last much longer.

After three years of being with the dual haired boy he understood that they were the same but that they wouldn't take the same path.

He had grown to attached to the boy but the cornflower haired boy understood what he wanted and it was to destroy hero society.

But to do that he had to end things with the boy. He met up with the boy to say his goodbye however the other didn't take the news well as he had gotten too attached.

The dual haired boy cried and embraced the other being afraid that he would disappear like the first day they met.

Shigaraki stood there doing nothing. The dual haired boy pleaded him to continue to stay with him and to not leave him alone again.

The boy didn't like it, he didn't like being alone but the other reassured him it was going to be okay. But that was a lie.

Over the next few years after they parted ways the dual haired boy suffered greatly. He grew up abandoning his emotions to not get hurt again.

They both grew up with their own personal baggages but not once did the two ever forget the other.

When they finally met on the battle field both were surprised. They were unsure of how to respond but they just continued the fight.

So many emotions ran through the dual haired boy's head. He didn't want to believe in reality since the other was an important person he could never forget. At one point he was all he had maybe that is still the case.

Although the dual haired boy had a new life as hero in training with new friends he felt unsatisfied. He kept his usual deadpan expression in front of others so no one knew how he felt under the surface.

Another three years later and the dual haired boy had been through so much. He finally graduated and became a pro hero but at what cost?

The boy became disillusioned over the three years with the role he played in life. Shigaraki knew this since he did everything he possibly could to make the other hate him.

He tried to traumatize him to let their past go and focus on his plans on destroying hero society.

However a part of him still cared about that kid. He still remembered every conversation and every tear they shared. He remembered how much the other comforted him just as much as he comforted the other.

When they confronted again with their weapons and quirk put away the dual haired boy was on guard but all it took was one hug and he was left venerable. Shigaraki made sure not to put all his fingers on the other as the other sobbed loudly.

He let out all the pain he had felt and decided to let go of the suffering. The public was shocked at Todoroki's earlier retirement. His friends were even surprised and tried to convince him to continue on.

But it wasn't enough and with that Shoto Todoroki disappeared. Where did he go?
No one really knew except someone with cornflower blue hair.

The two were finally together and were each other's comfort once again. Todoroki wasn't a villain and he wasn't a hero but he was a very special person to the world's greatest villain.

He stayed out of the public eye and continued to cling onto the other like he had always done. This was enough for him as the other protected him making sure to be with him when he was needed the most.

They only had each other but that was enough because they were the only two people in the world who really understood one another.


Well I hope you guys liked this oneshot. I wasn't sure on if Todoroki should be a villain or not but I liked how it came out. It was an interesting ship to write and I hope I could do more of it in the future. Anyways I hope you have a good rest of your day and I'll see you guys soon.
- The KuudereSimp

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