flowers and kittens

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The first thing Lily Evans woke up to was the faint smell of flowers, the sweet aroma filling her senses. She rubbed her eyes to adjust to the light and gasped, looking around the open curtains and around her dorm to see flowers and streamers and balloons floating around the ceiling and below, more specifically, lilies. All of her other dormmates sat across the room and giggled lightly at Lily's reaction, and she could feel her face flush. The flowers floating in

"We've been waiting for you to wake up," Mary was the first to say anything, grinning madly, "Ol' Potter's done something with the place."

"I'm aware." Lily laughed quietly.

"What a cute gesture!" Amelia Halls fawned, "You're so lucky to have James as your boyfriend!" She touched one of the flowers that was floating about her head, and it turned into a small chocolate that fell on her head, "All mine did was give me a hug and a card..." She pouted, and her friend Lila patted her on the back consolingly.

"He's lucky more like," Marlene intervened, tapping a flower and catching the chocolate that fell from it, "It's good he knows it - Potter's whipped." She unwrapped the sweet and popped it into her mouth.

"Oh, don't say that," Lily pleaded, covering her face with her hands, "It sounds awful."

The other girls giggled, they all knew. James was whipped, even the whole school knew. It's not like he hid it, or tried to. Rather, he liked that everyone knew.

"It's true." Mary shrugged, biting into a caramel chocolate that she stole from Amelia. The other girls giggled a bit, they all knew it was the truth. Lily went even more red. Though, she couldn't help but feel incredibly flattered and touched by James's little surprise.

"I feel so bad, I only got him a card and chocolates!" Lily cried out, and Mary sat down next to her, sighing.

"He's been waiting for you to pay him any mind for about six years now," She said, patting Lily's back, "I'm sure he'll be over the moon if you just give him a hug and say 'Happy Valentine's Day!'," Mary ceded, and stood up to go brush her teeth.

Lily flushed once again and hopped out of bed, but as she got up, a small envelope fell from her comforters and onto the floor. Ushering the other girls to go on and get ready for breakfast while she remade her bed. Picking up the small pale pink envelope, it was signed JP , and Lily smiled faintly, tracing the letters. Opening it, a small note unraveled.

I hope it wasn't too much, I was wondering whether to get you chocolates or flowers, or maybe both, so I decided to combine the two. I hope you like it, it was rather fun to do. I'll have to show you some time, it's an interesting spell, and I know you like charms.

And if you're sitting in bed, thinking 'how the hell did this barmy git get into the girls dormitory?, he didn't. Rather, a male stag did. Apparently the staircase doesn't mind male animals walking up the stairs. Mind you, it was hard to keep quiet with these clonking hooves - I think I scarred a first year, though. Poor bloke might have deer related night terrors for a while,  though.


Lily shook her head in amusement as she bit back a smile and folded the note into a small square and put it on her nightstand. She smiled at the signature. She set it nicely besides a picture of her and James they took recently, along with a picture of her, Mary, Marlene, and Emmaline.

Once she showered, got ready and was almost done braiding her hair, the rest of the girls already had gone down for breakfast and Lily was feeling rather nervous. She felt underdressed in the sense of gift giving, and her card and chocolate looked pathetic compared to his gifts. Sighing, she stuffed them into her pockets and snatched up her book bag. Sadly, it was a Monday, but since it was a Holiday, the staff gave the students a half day of classes.

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