neither are your friends

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A/N: I am so sorry for the wait, you all - I have been so busy but I promise with the summer I'll be updating much more!!


Sirius sat on his bed in the seventh year boy's dormitory, glum and tied to the post. No, not in that way!

Rather, Remus tied him up - no, not in that way - so he wouldn't go and kill whoever hurt James, which they still didn't know the identity of. Right after he ran out of the Hospital Wing, Remus had to chase, catch and throw Sirius over his shoulder (which took a lot of effort, considering the moon was only a week away), and trap him in the dormitory so he wouldn't do anything rash - Sirius would do anything when it came to his friends, especially James.

Plus, it was obviously innocent because Kingsley was right there, on his bed. He walked in while Remus was reading, ignoring Sirius's pleas to untie him, and simply kept coming in, plopping onto his bed and asking why Sirius was in trouble now.

Suddenly, a knock came on the door and Remus jumped up to answer it, expecting Peter or something. He jumped when he saw who it was.

"Mrs. Potter!" He grinned awkwardly, hoping she wouldn't look in to see the ropes on Sirius's wrists, though, she stepped in, "Hello!"

"Remus," She smiled warmly, giving him a hug, "I'm here to - why is Sirius trapped in those ropes like that?" She cut herself off with another question, gaping at the struggling scene that was Sirius Black.

Sirius finally spat out a towel that Remus put in his mouth to silence him. "See! She agrees!" Remus rolled his eyes, knowing what his boyfriend was getting at. Sirius was still trying to get out of the intricately tied ropes, wriggling around like a worm and then eventually flopping over onto his side helplessly.

"Agrees with what?" Mrs. Potter looked apprehensive - she was no stranger to Sirius's work.

"I should be able to go and hex whoever hurt James," Sirius exclaimed, his face indignant, "Let me out of this horrid contraption!" His dramatics never seemed to fade.

"No," Mrs. Potter frowned, "I don't condone you attacking Severus, no matter how badly he hurt my son." Mrs. Potter frowned, really thinking of how much she wanted Sirius to do something, but someone had to be the mature one in this family, and it certainly wasn't Mr. Potter.

"Snape?!" Sirius shouted, and Mrs. Potter sighed. She didn't know he hadn't heard that part. She knew of the rivalry, but she forgot how reckless Sirius was when it came to these things. "I knew it!!"

Remus flicked his wand and tightened the ropes on Sirius's wrists cleverly, fearing he was going to go feral like he did when someone attacked Remus in their sixth year. (Some blood-purist Slytherin didnt like the way Remus was smarter than him). Remus still shivered at the sight of anger in Sirius's eyes that day.

"How could I have not realized?" He cried, his usually well kept and glorious hair falling into his eyes and looking messy, "I'm going to kill him!"

"I'm honestly not surprised," Commented Kingsley from the corner, not looking up from the book he was reading, "Snape's an awful person, he's blood purist, racist, sexist - anything, you name it. Can't believe he's still in this school."

"See!" Sirius yelled, "Kingsley agrees! Snape's probably a bloody death eater by now!"

"Now," Mrs. Potter looked nervous at the mention of Death Eaters, and she wrung her hands, "Let's not assume anything we're not sure of."

Remus rose a skeptical brow, frowning. Usually, he would agree with what Mrs. Potter was saying, but in this situation, it was impossible to, "Well..."

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