stay sweet

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Lily ordered a hot chocolate with whipped cream on top, and when it came, she, like a normal civilian would, stirred it carefully and slowly.

James, a rather odd individual decided to down him the moment it was served to him, surprising the waitress who gave it to him, the chef who was peering at James ever since he asked the waitress how the blender worked and many other customers. He only grinned.

Lily, on the other hand, wasn't surprised at all. She smiled at the waitress sympathetically, patting her on the back as she stared at a choking James. "Don't worry, he does this quite a lot. It's a force of habit." She giggled to herself, and the waitress nodded uncertainly, returning to the kitchen, beginning to speak to the chef in rapid french.

"So, you've gotten used to my antics, have you, Evans?" James smirked at her. Lily, rolling her eyes, crossed her arms as she leaned back in her chair and smirked back.

"No, I don't think I'll ever get used to your antics. I'm sure you'll do something crazy enough to completely humiliate me over the next few years." She stuck her tongue out at him, but his grin only widened.

"Next couple of years?" He asked, his eyes glinting. "Does that mean you want to keep me around, or at least long enough for me to embarrass you?"

Lily felt her heart thumping in her chest, but decided to play this one confidently. "Of course, why else would I hang out with you almost all my time on this break? You're the best at entertainment and humiliation."

James took a big sip of his drink again, grimacing as the hot liquid slid down his throat, but stood up. Lily's eyes widened. "No, no, no—James, I didn't mean now!"

"Oh, love, in the famous words of Sirius Black," James said, stepping upon his chair and standing so almost every customer in the cafe was staring. "If not now, when shall the mischief be made?"

Lily groaned.

"Everybody, I need your attention!" James called, clapping his hands so now every elderly woman, man, child or couple was staring at Lily and the wild man on his chair. "I would like you all to clap your hands if you think this wonderful young lady here, Carrottop—don't glare at me like that, love—should accept my hand, and dance with me, to the rhythm of this lovely song."

Lily paused, and once she heard what song was playing, her heart nearly stopped. Sweet Lady by Queen. The song they danced to at the amusement park! Who knew James Potter was a hopeless romantic?

Scattered claps sounded across the cafe, and the waitress in the kitchen clapped the loudest. Whistling, she called out, "Get  up and dance with him, Sweet Lady!"

James looked back to Lily with hopeful eyes, and shaking her head—but smiling all the same—Lily stood up and took the outstretched hand from James, and let him spin her around and then pull her in close to him.

The song seemed to last forever, but in the best way possible. James spun her around, dipped her, swayed with her, and soon others got up. Elderly couples got up and danced slowly to the rock song, and James picked up a very poor American accent and attempted to sing along, staring directly into Lily's eyes as he sang.

"My sweet lady, though it seems like we wait forever, stay sweet, baby!" Lily laughed at his foolishness, but was still entranced by the look in his eyes. "Believe and we've got everything we need! Sweet lady, sweet lady, sweet lady. Ooh, stay sweet!"

Lily laughed, and in one grand and dramatic spin, James dipped Lily so low she could feel her hair touch the floor. And then, she couldn't take it.

She kissed him full on the lips, smiling against his mouth when she heard the rest of the cafe cheering and clapping.

The song ended, but some were still dancing, though Lily and James sat down, catching there breath. From the kitchen, Lily laughed at the waitress's comment. "Keep him, Carrottop, or I will!"

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