for quite some time

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"Wake up, you lazy git."

Sirius opened his eyes weakly, looking up at an excited and fully awake James Potter grinning down at him. He was holding a broom and was already fully clothed in his Quidditch robes, Captain badge, and everything. Sirius closed his eyes again and simply curled up against Remus more.

"No, no, you're not playing this game again," James groaned, ripping the sheets off his mate and promptly dragging Sirius out of the bed, throwing him over his shoulder like a potato sack. Remus glared at James as he was rudely awakened from the cold air. He snatched back the blankets. "Sorry, Moony, it's serious business, Quidditch practice!"

"Sod off, Prongs..." Sirius moaned, stretching his arms and yawning. "Let go..."

James grinned. "If you say so." He dropped Sirius onto the floor loudly, who sprawled onto the floor pathetically.

Sirius rubbed his back, scowling up at the still smiling James Potter. "Alright, alright, I'll get ready." He stood up and made his way to the bathroom before James stopped him

"No need, I already have your things," James tossed Sirius his Quidditch robes and broom. "You'll change in the lockers."

Sirius sighed, accepting defeat and dragging along his robes and broom behind him as they walked out of the room. "See you later lads." James chirped, in his element. There were muttered goodbyes from Remus and Peter, their other dormmate, Kingsley, hitting the showers early.

"Bye Moony, Wormtail," Sirius said tiredly, slamming the dorm door behind him as he went down the stairs glumly. He loved Quidditch, he really did - but early mornings were James's thing, not Sirius's.

James glanced at his mate, and rolling his eyes, he took pity. "Alright, fine." He strode over to Sirius and stood in front of him, waiting. Sirius grinned. It worked almost every time, and it worked well due to Jame's taller frame and more muscular physique and Sirius's fit and shorter build. Sirius hopped up on James's back, wrapping his legs around James's waist and leaning his head on his shoulder as he slung his arms over and around James's shoulders.

"Onward, my good man!" Sirius joked, kicking James's hip as if he were a horse.

"I can totally launch you across the castle right now." James threatened, walking out of Gryffindor Tower with Sirius Black on his back. "My piggyback rides are a privilege."

"You wouldn't." Sirius laughed, but let it be noted he did not kick James any longer. They walked across the castle, greeted a couple of professors (greeting Minnie with a loud and happy 'good morning, and James even conjured a cup of tea for the professor), passed students, and Flich, who almost gave them detention for getting out of bed too early. They just barely got out of it. One third-year Hufflepuff girl also asked Sirius out on a date by giving him an invitation to the next Hogsmeade weekend, to which he graciously turned down.

"Sorry, love," He said gently, looking down at her over James's shoulder, who was trying not to laugh. It'd already happened four times this week, apparently, no one really got the memo about Sirius and Remus, even though they weren't particularly hiding it. "I'm into blokes." Sirius laughed, though his eyes were a bit nervous.

The girl's eyes had widened, looking at James and Sirius in surprise, especially since Sirius was on his mate's back. James snorted, catching on to what the girl was thinking.

"Ew, gross!" Sirius exclaimed once he gathered the third-year's train of thought, looking at James in mock disgust. "Not this bloke!" He hopped off of James and inched himself away from him, grinning. James rolled his eyes, grabbing Sirius by the arm and dragging him away from the girl, whose face was scrunched up in thought, trying to guess who Sirius's boyfriend was.

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