Prologue - The First Entry

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"In a world full of hate, Be A Light." This is the fifth line to a song I know.

It has been two years since our world has been like this. For two years we've been living like this. No progress, no cure, and an uncertain future.

Quarantine closed off my world. I didn't know what my future was gonna be. Some people were saying that it was gonna last for years; some said only a few months. What has the world, our world, come to?

I have a lot of friends because I am a social floater. I like meeting new and diverse people. I find it to be interesting to learn about different cultures, family traditions, and personalities. Quarantine was easier because of all the friends I had.

Until it wasn't.

After a month or two, my friends stopped texting and calling so much. I guess it's because we never had anything to talk about. No one was going anywhere; we were all locked inside with no way out.

The school year started back up the following year and things were almost normal. They even started lifting some of the restrictions: social distance was 3 feet instead of 6 feet, some places were lifting the mask mandate, and vaccines were being distributed. I had hoped that things were changing for the better.

But then everything changed. Again. A strain of Covid-19 appeared that spread more rapidly and affected the effectiveness of the vaccine. The new governor called for another quarantine lockdown. There goes my hope.

My parents are huge Covid freaks. They don't let me go anywhere or do anything. That means no hanging out with friends and no sleepovers. On Sundays, I call Grandma to do a movie night with her. One of us will pick out a movie and we watch it together. The second wave of quarantine put a lot of emotional strain on her. My parents don't let her go anywhere either.

My parents work all the time to keep up with the bills. I stopped talking to a lot of my friends. Grandma and I only talk every Sunday when we do a movie night. To be honest... I never felt more alone. 

I wrote this before I started writing the story. Some of what is here are not accurate, so I apologize for the inconvenience.  I did not want to change anything because I like it too much. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story!

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