"Mr. Ackerman, I'll need you to put your right leg on the table." (Y/n) politely instructed.

And he obeys.


Levi doesn't remove his sock.

"Um, sir ? Do you wish for me to remove your right sock ? It has to be removed, otherwise this ice pack won't-"

"Tch, just put it on top of it."

(Y/n) frowns in disagreement, "But that's not how it works, sir. After all, I still need to see if something is wrong with the muscle, since you sprained your ankle."

The vice president sighs in defeat. Levi knows that she's not the type that backs away easily when it comes to other's needs.

Once again, he obeys. In silence. And now (Y/n) gently puts the ice pack on the sprained area, slightly pressing it down to put some pressure so that the cold can seep and ease his sprained muscle.

"Did you enjoy today's sport event ?"

(Y/n) tensed. What a way to start a conversation. "Pardon ?"

"You looked like you did," Levi answered his own question and ignored her confused look, "especially that damn three-legged race." He sneered.

She flicks a strand from her forehead, "As if I could have fun.."

"All I did was to run like crazy to win the first place." (Y/n) manages to keep her cool.

"Run like crazy ? Sport events are all about participation. Who the fuck gets fired up for something like that ? So childish."

Her eyes twitch from annoyance. (Y/n) slowly, and dangerously, turned to face her boss, "Participation ? Oh really ? I guess I remember it wrong then. Because I was sure a certain someone told me to bring back victory, or else it's death !"

"Who takes that seriously ?" Levi squints his eyes at her, looking down at the kneeling woman beside the sofa.

"Ha ! So you can make jokes, Mr. Ackerman ! Oh my, I'm surprised !"

She can't hold it back anymore. Her sassy attitude starts to show as (Y/n) finally rolls her eyes.

"Oh.. that's right. If it's for victory, you'd be willing to cling onto a fucking complete stranger any time huh ? Not to mention, a tall one."

The secretary has yet to realize Levi's jealousy.

(Y/n) quietly scoffs, "Of course. Better than being a loser."

"I see. So you don't mind getting all touchy with someone if you can win, brat ?"

"Nope. You ordered me to win after all. Of course I'd do anything." The secretary hides her pissed off face with a fake laugh here and there.

But for Levi, it's a completely different story.

He harshly pulls away his right leg from the table, and stomp it on the floor. Of course, this startles (Y/n) right away. Yet, she remains calm no matter what.

Then Levi inches closer towards his kneeling secretary, "Even if it's this close ?"

"Of course. It's nothing to me." She shrugged it off.

Levi scoots closer again.

"Or this close ?"

"Oh please sir. I don't really mind. It's all about victory, as you wished for me to get." Sarcasm dripped from her voice. Aside from that, (Y/n) still hasn't realized how close Levi's body is to hers.

He's almost right behind her, with both his legs caging her petite body.

"Then what about this ?"

(Y/n) didn't get a chance to retort back as the short man suddenly yanks her from the floor by the waist, pulling her close to his body as he lands on his back, on the L shaped sofa.

With his secretary on top of him.

Chest to chest.

Not wanting the woman to freak out and escape, Levi gently wraps his lean yet built arms around her waist. And somehow.. it makes (Y/n) feel.. secure..and warm..

Their faces are only a few inches away, (Y/n) let out a tiny gasp at how close they're being right now. The only view served in front of her is a pair of steel blue eyes. Oh my, she can even feel his rock hard abs pressed against her abdomen. She also feels his broad chest heaving up and down, along with the rapid thumping of his heart.

At this moment, he realizes..

Hanji was right... He's blinded by jealousy..

Thus Levi lets his actions speak louder than words. 

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now