Sorries & Blushes (26)

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Taekookshipper294 thank you.
It makes me happy to know at least you guys are interested.


They were lost in their own little world before reality occurred to them when they heard a loud howl that morning. They had tried so hard to untie themselves, find a way to escape but there was wolves outside the den and there a vine gate. How are wolves even capable of making such thing. Anyways, the couple spent the night talking about random things. From when they met, to their current situation.

They were laughing though they should have been crying. But why cry when you can be happy? even in such circumstance, they couldn't cry all night knowing that wasn't going to solve their problems. they were worried indeed but that didn't stop them from interacting.

They haven't lost hope in surviving, they actually even planned a way to escape. Which sounded a bit impossible but its worth the try; they're willing to fight their way out. All that mother fucking lier has to do is get them out that den and boom, their plan is into action.

Taehyung and Jungkook found out a bit more about each other and they were content. But jungkook was on the embarassing end each time. The whole night, he was a blushing mess. Taehyung had teased him over and over again. And each time, he did it with a smile and after, he pecked jungkook cheeks.

Taehyung started by reminding jungkook about the time he asked him to help him make a tent. Taehyung said he knew jungkook was lying because if hyunkook knew how to make a tent, there's no way Jungkook wouldn't; Even if he didn't, the expression hyunkook made when he greeted them that day, sold jungkook out; though hyunkook didn't tell.

Then he went on and complemented hyunkook as the best brother in the world. To which Jungkook agreed with at first but when taehyung kept complementing him over and over again, he couldn't help but cup taehyungs jaw strongly and attack his lips into a deep kiss. Jungkook afterwards complained that he was reminding him who he belongs to and that it should be jungkook that's being complemented not hyunkook.

"I don't like it when you complement my brother more than you do me when I'm yours!" Jungkook had said with a pout and recieved a bunch of sorries along with kisses.

Taehyung furthermore brought up the part where Jungkook had fainted. Jungkook had burried that memory deep somewhere where it cannot be retrieved. He had tried so hard to forget it, but taehyung had dug into that deep hole and retrieved it just like that.

That embarising moment. Back then he couldn't comprehend but when he thought about it again, jungkook was such a fool. He chuckled reminiscing his idiocy. and then he told the curious taehyung who was determined since the beginning to know the reason. And taehyung finally found out, a patient man he calls himself, was extremely happy.

Jungkook had to admit it, though his cheeks burned cherry red. "You were fucking hot and your big ass dick was infront of my face." Sulky Jungkook had mumbled. He got mad when taehyung laughed and teased him about it. Jungkook had said at that moment, "I don't like you amymore taehyung. Go fuck yourself you asshole!" yet he couldn't help but smile, with butterflies erupting in his tummy when taehyung kissed his nape saying, "My flower, i'm sorry. Don't be mad a taetae."

And that was how their night went. Jungkook discovered more about taehyung. Not but his Taehyung. He found that taehyung was so sweet, indeed clumsy when he told him about how he almost burned his house. Also that he's so cute, kind and scary at that matter when he told him about the time he fought someone almost to death for touching this little girl he was somewhere inappropriate. Taehyung told jus how furious he was that jungkook also got furious.

Anyway, jungkook was more that happy when they slept in each others embrace. And soon enough, if everything gets better, Jungkook swore he won't ever get enough of the other. Because seeing him smile and laugh brought hapinness to his soul.

And to Taehyung, Jungkook became another source of his happiness. He couldn't help but smile the night away dreaming about how happy they would be. A family of three. Jungkook for sure would love and cherish her as his own as well, wouldn't he? He would, taehyung thought. Though he felt slightly guilty for not telling jungkook the truth, about who she is to him. She was not just a mere girl that he defended, she was his life.

Right now it may not be the right time to tell him, but somewhere in the future after this mess, he promises they'll meet.

So now that they have been given a second chance to live, they had to survive. Taehyung has to find away to go back to her and apologize for ever even thinking about death and not her first when he's all she has. Taehyung is bad father.

But Jungkook showed him, there could be a chance of creating a full family.

"Good Morning."

Taehyung and Jungkook glared at the Male who was behind the vine. "You Disgusting Bitch!"

"I'm sorry," Jimin said, his voice softer than it was when he fist spoke with the others. And that caused flames in taehyungs throat.

"Shut the fuck up!" Taehyung growled, his voice sending shivers down both Jungkook and Jimin's spine. "I trusted you!!"

"Well, you shouldn't have," Jimin said as he fumbled with the vines beside the gate. "Don't you know not to trust strangers?"

He's right but; "Like there was any other choice," Taehyung mumbled, his face and neck red from anger directed towards jimin, but mostly himself.

Jimin nodded, "Yeah. Wether you came with us or not, you would've still woke up in this same situation," Jimin said nonchalantly, all his attention on the vines which he was opening. And when he finally opened it, he waled inside with two other people following him. "Again, I'm sorry. Sorry for everything."

"Stop saying that,"Jungkook exclaimed; "Nothing is going to change!"

Jimin sighed, looking down and walked back, stopped and in a low voice, he said, "Bring them."


"Imagine how chaotic the camp must be?" Hoseok suddenly said as they put everything they used for the night back in their bags.

"I know they mad pissed," Hyunkook chuckled, eating a granola bar. "They probably looked for us for two seconds and said, "The police will be here soon," He scoffed.

Hoseok sighed, "You have to kind of understand their point of view-"

"I don't care," Hyunkook interrupted; "They didn't even search the bare minimum. Scared to get lost. If they came together, we could've searched the whole forest. Why did you come with me if-"

Hoseok wiped the corner of the others lips, with his thump, catching the other of guard; "You had a granolar bar stuck over," He said slowly, his thump moving along the others plumb lips, "here."

Hyunkook eyes had widen from the action. His heart beating so fast it was imposbible to breath in only his nose that his had to part his mouth for extra oxygen. The last time his heart beated this fast for someone was during highschool when he fell for this boy.

He stared at Hoseoks, adorable face. His brown curly hair so fluffly. And his cute, blump lips and big dark black eyes. Hyunkook noticed the mole on his cheek- What is he thinking? Hyunkook swatted Hoseoks hand and akwardly coughed, scratching his nape, "Thank You."

Hoseok cheeks flushed red, his eyes boring onto the ground and mumbled a soft small, "You're welcome."

Hyunkook nodded gulping, "Hurry up and eat something. We still have a long way to go."


Noooo Because I'm shipping Hyunseok so baddd...

Guess how many words i prefer to write in each chapter?

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