Manners (12)

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On the other hand, taehyung is patiently waiting for the younger's arrival. He is sitting on his desk casually as he would any other day, but with a slight difference; today, he wore a smile on his face and his eyes were sparkling as if he's anticipating something of his interest. Taehyung looks at his door and his smile widens.

He tilts his head slightly, staring at his door. Because of the slight space under the door, he could see jungkooks feet. Taehyung's then leans on his desk, laughing. He knows very well jungkook doesn't want to be here. And knows very well he's nervous but also angry and so he gives him time.

Two minutes pass and taehyung thinks it's about time the other entered. He's had his fun watching Jungkook pace around the door. So imagine how much fun he will have when he's inside?

"Aren't you going to come in, Jeon?" Taehyung exclaimed, sounding out "Jeon" a bit deeper than usual. And then he heard the door open. Not too hard yet not too soft and the face that greeted him was expected. Jungkook looked bothered, annoyed, and nerveous; it was a pretty look on him in Taehyung's perspective.

As Jungkook walked inside, he bore his eyes onto the ground. His cheeks were pink and his toungue pocking his cheeks. His hands were in his pockets and his hair disheveled for some reason. Taehyung liked that look so much, again, that a smile made its way on his prominent face.

"So I see you made it," Taehyung exclaimed, teasing,

"I mean, you do have eyes, "Jungkook said, teasing back as he made his way to the seat infront of Taehyung, trying hard not to look nervous.

Taehyung chuckled. It was small and soft but it still held that annoying teasing tone that made jungkook grit his teeth. "How are you, Jeon?"

Jungkook eyebrows cocked. Because if this is Taehyung attempting to pique his nerves or start some converstaion, he failed.

Jungkook wants so bad to show taehyung his place. So bad to treat him like the asshole he is. Use his words against his and watch him crumble. Jungkook wants to see taehyung, flustered or maybe embarrassed. It's never hard for jungkook to be embarrassed or flustered or nervous -list could go on- from the way taehyung talk or looks at him.

Jungkook kind of wants to have that same power. To look at taehyung and that enough to have him gulping nervously. He wants to talk to him in a way that will have him flustered and at times, make his cheeks glow red. But most of all, he wants to say something that taehyung has no answer to.

But we can just say that's all jungkooks fantasy because taehyung is more like stone. Impossible to crack. Jungkook nor anyone else has ever really seen Taehyung's act out on his real feelings. Like just taehyung. Like how he acts when he's alone or when he's talking to his family, friends, strangers not his students. In fact, Jungkook barely knows a anything about taehyung, other than the fact he's a teacher and his name.

It's all about his reactions. What makes his nervous, flustered, anything of that sort. No one knows. They only ever see him as a teacher and that teacher persona he has. He's cool, but jungkook wants to see more. Now he's eager. Because apart from the taehyung he saw at the nurses office the other day, the true clumsy taehyung, he would like to witness more.

He will be just as cocky and teasing as taehyung could be. Well at least he will try. Try not to be effected by his words and make it obvious he doesn't want to have anything to do with him despite wanting to figure him out. Like a puzzle that he never wants to solve but just to challenge himself if he could actually solve it.

"I didn't come here to have a conversation with you, Sir," Jungkook crossed his arms on his chest, glaring at Taehyung just so to make it obvious he wants to get things done and out of there.

"Sadly," Taehyung begins to say, his face saddening in a teasing way as he leans onto his chair further, "you did."

Jungkook rolls his eyes as Taehyung's continues. "Why are you here, Jeon?" Taehyung asks, as if he didn't already know the reason himself and that got on Jungooks nerves but he decided to go on with Taehyung's whatever play. Jungkook sits back as well, more like a mock than anything.

"I belive you know the answer to that question more than I do, Sir."

Taehyung smirked, "I assume you don't know then, Jeon."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, once again.

"Maybe I should reitarate. You are indeed here to have a conversation with me jeon," Taehyung exclaimed and Jungkook opened his mouth to protest but taehyung continued, "in things perataining to your behavior. Raising your voice at your superiors, Jeon, again, doesn't go unpanished. Fret not, I'll teach you some manners. Aside from that, you are also here to be taught how to mantain eye contact with an elder, for I noticed how you always stare elsewhere when talking to me. But today you're doing quite well maintaining contact."Taehyung said lightly as he stood, bringing his chair with him, only to seat himself right infront of jungkook. "But glaring, Jeon. It's not it."

Jungkook scoffed: speechless. Taehyung indeed does uses his power as a teacher and an udult to make things harder for jungkook. That's the conclusion jungkook had come to. Since the beginning, taehyung's power as a teacher and udult had got him into many situations; all involving Kim taehyung himself.

He has never really got into these situations with others teachers. That makes jungkook assume that taehyung doesn't like him and just wants to torture him. It makes sense actually. Taehyung not to like jungkook actually makes sense.

And jungkook is beginning to understand, that Taehyung hates him. At first, he thought it was just bad luck, with teasing; but now, he's sure it's hate. It has to be or why else?

Taehyung probably sees him as a spoiled brat that needs to be taught some "manners".

Jungkook gritted his teeth. Why is taehyung so difficult?

"I will not learn from you," Jungkook seethes, his jaw clenching. "You are indeed an asshole and you know it. You treat me like some toy to be played with as if I holds no emotions. And it's just right for me not to like you nor maintain eye contact with some trash like you." Jungkook continues. Not thinking twice about the words coming out of his mouth and how they could be used against him. Though he was supposed to use Taehyung's words against him but looks like he can't control himself.

"I don't need to learn manners from someone like you!"

Enjoy life man. Peace:)
Love, Dee

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