"You're pretty, Jeon" (7)

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"What did I tell you about speaking to elders like that, Jeon?"

Jungkook gulped, stuttering, "Y-you're hurting m-me."

Taehyung loosened his grip, his eyes softening.He knelt of the floor, closer to jungkook. And jungkook watched him softly. Taehyung hand oh his cheek felt warm and jungkooks eyes felt teary. Taehyung was mad. "Be a good boy and learn your manners, yeah?."

Jungkook nodded softly, leaning onto taehyung touch, "I'm sorry, Sir."

"That's more like it," Taehyung gave him a genuine smile. His eyes wrinkling to crescents and his smile boxy. Now that, made jungkook heart take a small break.

"Now get to work," Taehyung reminded and without another word, Jungkook began writing obediently.

Ok, maybe jungkook's just flustered, maybe not flustered but uncomfortable. Those swift heartbeats and the little beads of sweat proved it. Sure, all that writing has his hands hurting; that's a fact.

But why is Taehyung staring at him?

Ever since he began writing, taehyung eyes bore into him. They never once left him which is causing Jungkook to be so uncomfortable.

"Can you stop staring at me, Sir?" Jungkook asked, wiping his neck sweat with the ends of his shirt.

"No," Taehyung simply answered, resting his palm on his chin.

"And why not?" Jungkook asked.

"You're pretty," Taehyung replied, casually. "You're beautiful, Jeon."

Jungkook heart stalled. Did he just call Jungkook Pretty? He's insane.

Despite the little dances jungkooks heart made, Despite the pink hues that painted Jungkooks cheeks, he scoffed, "Shut up! Did you say that to my brother as well? Did you watch him too?"

Taehyung pouted, shacking his head, "No. I didn't watch him."

Now to that, Jungkook was completely lost. Taehyung was being so honest or at least he looked honest, and it was causing his hearts to do these little dances. Taehyung called him pretty, and not only that, he said it only to him, and that caused butterflies in jungkooks stomach.

For the first time, he didn't know what to say back. He always had something to say to everything said to him, but not this time. This time, today, Jungkook gave in.

Jungkook bit his lip and focused on his writing; well, he tried to focus. Only once in a while he would complain about his hands and Taehyung staring at him. And with all that, jungkook finished writing in a half an hour.

"Here, Satisfied?" Jungkook growled with a pout, throwing the book onto taehyungs lap.

Taehyung chuckled, taking the book in hand, "That's the same thing Jeon told me when he was done."

Jungkooks eyes widen, "Really?"

"Oh Yeah," Taehyung replied, his voice unconsciously deep.

Jungkook gulped once more; that deep voice did stuff to him and he didn't like it one bit. Just like how he didn't like anything taehyung did. Different from his body reactions.

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