I paused her and asked, "Is this related to one of your vampire books?" She glares at me again "Alana Maria Stevenson, me dejarás terminar?! (Will you let me finish?!)" I snorted again and apologize, urging her to continue her fantasy. She cleared her throat like she was a narrator of some stereotype-type love story "As you dance, he tells you that he wants to go somewhere quiet. Someplace where there's only two of you and in the young night. He takes you to this bridge and tells you that you're beautiful as you two look at your reflection in the river underneath. And as you watch him in the reflection, he turned to you, wrapping his hands around you, kissing you gently with an appreciation for your being. And then you both part ways with this memory of the night and you get on with your life. Thinking about him once or twice a day." She bites her bottom lip, hugging herself, lost in her thoughts.

I shake my head at this creature I call a best friend. I take the napkin on the table and throw it at her, getting her out of the thoughts. She grins "I swear there was tongue involved too." I shake my head again "Thank god that guy didn't turn out to be some mafia leader who fell for you in the first night."

"Hey! A girl can dream, you know?"

I nod my head understanding and said "You know what? Let's get you that fantasy. I don't get anywhere to be. Wanna hit clubs tonight?" She squealed, getting up from her seat and wrapping her arms around me, kissing my temple numerous times thanking me. Even though I knew people were staring at us but I didn't care.


She looked stunning as she wore this short black leather skirt with a black full sleeve crop top. Thigh-high black boots and thick silver jewelry around her neck. Her black hair in loose waves and red lips with minimal makeup.

She stuffed me into this black dress that hugged me from the waist and flared down till beneath my knees. A deep neck that showed a little bit of cleavage and cute golden pair of heels that she lends to me. A chunky pair of gold earrings to finish the looks. She did my makeup, keeping it on the peachy side. My long hair open in loose curls that she did for me.

I pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked a little bit older for my age but surprisingly, I felt good in this outfit. A little confident. I hear the shutter of a camera and turn around to find her taking a picture of me with a smile on her face. She said "Model for me, babycakes." I chuckled, putting my hand on my hips with a smile on my face for the camera. She clicks the picture.


After countless selfies and pictures for social media, we finally make our way to the clubs.

It was nice. Loud disco music playing by the DJ, people dancing on the dance floor, having fun. Drinks being served at a purple-lighted bar. Jade swayed her hips left and right to the loud music. Her hand holding mine as we made our way through the crowd.

We danced a lot and even drank a little. I only had a mojito while Jade downed some strong cosmos.

I stayed at the bar as I watched her dance with two men. One behind her and the other in front of her, both interested in her. I smiled because all three of them were drunk to their bones and I kept my eyes there to make sure that none of them pulls anything stupid on her.

I was slightly buzzed and sad at the fact that even alcohol didn't shut my thoughts about him- about Nick.

Maybe Jade is right. Maybe it's time for something spontaneous.

No, Lana. Do you want to do something that'll make you feel dumb in the end?

But... I'll never know if I don't go.

Love, Curvy | 18+Where stories live. Discover now