Chapter 17: Interrogation, Thiefery, Therapy

Start from the beginning

„Fuck..." the Grim Reaper hissed at the same time.

„What is it?" the Trapper asked moving a hand from his crossed arms.

„He was a K-Pop idol. A singer. Heard about him from the rich girls bragging on the streets." The Grim hissed.

„One of my friends outside was a big fan of him. I had to live on her couch for a while. It quickly became unbearable." the Pig added, sounding equally annoyed.

‚Unbearalbe'? Excuse me?"

He went ignored. „And he's a Killer now." The Grim threw her hands in the air. „Great!"

The amount of sarcasm dripping of her voice was unreal.

The tree creature next to her growled at her moving the hand mid work. „Sorry." she muttered and put the hand back down, letting him finish the bandaging.

„How did you get here?" the bone mask man got his attention again. „The Entity is on vacation, how did you get here?"

„I don't know." he shrugged. The silver necklaces around his neck clicked against each other. „I was up on the stage torturing someone, but then suddenly- black smoke and I'm in the middle of nowhere staring at a river." He would have gestured with his hands if they weren't tied together behind his back.

He could still feel the knives against his skin inside his pockets. But if the Grim alone managed to bring him down then those five together definitely could.

Where was his bat even? Oh, there it is. It leaned on the crate the Grim sat on.

„She planted a surprise for us." the tree muttered out. The Trickster went wide eyed. He didn't think it could talk.

„That's what she meant..." the bone mask said, as if he was realizing something important.

The Grim woman squinted her eyes at the overall clad man. „What do you mean by that Evan?"

Evan huffed and began explaining; „When we last talked to the Entity, she spoke about her visit and the problems. But she also mentioned having ‚planted a surprise' for us." he made finger quotes while talking.

„She must've been referring to him and the new Survivor Mika mentioned." the Pig woman said.

Who the hell is Mika?

„And you didn't about think telling us?!?" the Grim asked, completely ignoring the Pig. Her body radiated big angry energy. Even more than five seconds ago.

„We didn't-" the twisted man tried.

„Jack shit man!" the Grim Reaper snapped. She used her fully bandages hand to point an accusing finger in Evans direction.

„He used Luna as fucking target practice! She's barely healed from the Blight incident! Now she's fucking hurt again!" she jumped from the crate, causing the bladed bat to fall down.

„She's resistant, but not immune to pain for fucks sake! She's-" she caught herself off by dragging a hand though her hair, pushing her hood down in the process.

The Trickster could now fully see the stressed, worried and utterly pissed expression on her face. Amber orbs glistening.


„NOPE! Nope! I don't want to hear it!" she interrupted her. „I need to see Anna and Adiris- or Caleb, before I slice someone apart!" With that the Reaper promptly strode off into the woods, disappearing behind the warehouse.

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