Be My Wife

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Hey all!

After a rough few chapters, today there is a lot of fluff!! I thought it was cute and we all deserved it after the harsh time Florence has been through so yeah.

As always, remember to vote, comment, share etc. Love you all!

- SomeTeenageWildlife


To be frank, I found it rather funny that he couldn't remember the details of his own album... But then again I'm fairly certain he couldn't remember much of the details from the 70s at all.

Ignoring everyone else in the room, I ran up to David and gave him the biggest hug of his life. He picked me up off my feet and twirled me around, while whispering in my ear with a cheeky grin, "I didn't know you knew all that about me, my Star."

He put me back down on the floor when we realised everyone in the pub was staring. I shrugged off the brief embarrassment and said to everyone at the pub, "Sorry, this is a... uh... long awaited reunion." They obviously did not care, and went back to their own affairs.

"Look at you, David, you're glowing," I said, looking him up and down with my hands around his arms.

"And you haven't aged a day" He responded, to which I replied, "Because I haven't."

I could tell he was a little sad that once again it had been such a long time for him to see me and yet so little for me him. But before we could continue our conversation, Melanie walked over to us at the back of the pub; "Well, I guess this is the man, the myth, the legend, then. Um... Hello Mr. Bowie... I am Melanie, your girlfriend's best friend. I think. Honestly I have no clue what is going on anymore."

"You and me both," David laughed, and we all settled down to our booth we had been seated at before. David and I sat next to each other, and I nestled in close to him as we made our introductions properly.

God, it was the weirdest thing to have your inter-dimensional time travelling rockstar boyfriend meet your best friend, for real this time. Without all the silly names and lies (if one might recall the first time Melanie had caught me and 'Jack' hanging out together).

There was a little silence when none of us really knew what to say to each other.

"Well, this is a little awkward," Melanie finally piped up, "I have never met a rockstar before, so this is quite an honor, I guess. Florence has told me great things about you."

"Thank you. It's nice to know the important people in Florence's life," He said, smiling at me and pulling me closer. I didn't want to tell him about the escapades that I had had with Melanie the night before I went to 1976. Neither Melanie or I had addressed it in our conversation, and I prefered if it was kept that way.

Soon the conversation was back up to a normal speed, and somehow we all became good friends. Hell, as the only three people in the world who knew of time traveling, there was kind of a reason for us all to get along. We spoke very congenially, not really touching on the harsher topics as we all had enough of that to last us a lifetime.

The whole time we talked, I kept looking to David. He had obviously improved his situation last time I saw him: it must have been over a year, and he was looking so much healthier. He was still a skinny as all hell (well, I have a feeling he always would be), but he had a certain colour back into his face that spoke of life and the living. He was back from the brink of death.

Sometime during our conversation, the trivia man came over to us and gave me the keychain I had won. Turns out it was a shittily-made little Bowie lightning bolt. By this point of the night, I was overtired, emotionally drained, and had probably drunk too many beers, so I was being a little stupid when I got up off my seat with the keychain in hand. I held it up in the air like some magical object, Melanie and David laughing in the booth next to me, and then got down on my knees and presented the keychain to David like a gift to some king.

Time... His Script is You and Me (A David Bowie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now