Throwing Darts in Lovers' Eyes

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Hey guys!

I just wanted to inform you that I will be back at school soon, so chapters may be a little less frequent. However I will be putting all my effort into publishing ones once a week, or once a fortnight. Don't worry!! I will not be abandoning this story no matter what I do!!

Love you all and I hope you enjoy this chapter!


TW: drug use, swearing

The apartment was small and musty: it obviously hadn't been in use for some time, and there was dust everywhere. However, it was already furnished, and there was an ancient sofa and boxy TV in the living and dining room, with a tiny adjoining kitchen. To the left of that was my bedroom, sparsely furnished with a springy bed and one side table. There was a bathroom off to the side of that.

It wasn't much, but I was just glad I had a place to sleep. As it was already 11pm by the time I arrived in the apartment, I fell onto the mattress (without any bedding) and to sleep.

I woke up at 2pm the next day, still in my clothes from the night before. Instinctively, I went to the kitchen for breakfast (or lunch, as it was already the afternoon), but then remembered the apartment was barren.

With my only possessions being the $200 cash and my useless phone, I decided to go downstairs to the diner and order something.

Maureen was there again, and said a friendly hello as I walked through the door.

"Still in the same clothes, dear?" She questioned politely.

"Yeah. I had to move here in a hurry..." Was the only vague answer I could give her.

She looked concerned for my well-being, but once again didn't want to be invasive.

To change the topic of the conversation, and to get myself some food, I asked if they had any breakfast options.

Her answer was, "Breakfast? At 2pm?" But when she saw my dejected face, she said she would cook me up some scrambled eggs, on the house.

I didn't really feel like having them - given they were the last meal I ate before I left David - but I was in no place to reject her offer. I simply said a quiet 'thank you' as she cooked them.

I sat there pushing my eggs around the plate (and only occasionally in my mouth) for about an hour and a half. There weren't many other people at the diner, and when there were, nobody seemed to care for the raggedy teen with the cold eggs.

It was almost evening when I realised I needed to get some basic necessities for my new apartment. I had no clue how long I would be there for, but things like bed sheets, toilet paper and food would be rather essential.


I got back from the local mall at 6pm, and as I walked past Maureen by the shop's window, she waved at me to come in.

"Hello dear, I see that you've bought some things for your apartment. Very good, very good," she said kindly, offering me a seat and continuing, "Well, I forgot to mention that the mysterious man who gave you the apartment also wanted me to offer you a job. I'm actually quite understaffed at the moment, so it'll be just you and me. $10 an hour, what do you say?"

I was rather taken aback by her offer. Of course, it was kind and a well-needed source of income, but it only confirmed my worst fears. If David had asked her to consider hiring me, then it must mean he knew I was going to be staying in the 70s for a long time. Long enough to need a job and an apartment.

Time... His Script is You and Me (A David Bowie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now