"Lily is frozen," Alice whispered.

     "Her face is getting red," Mary added.

     "How did the exam go, Snivelly," James taunted.

     How dare he ignore me. I marched up to James when a hand pulled me back. It was Lily.

     "Wait," Lily told me.

     "I was watching him, his nose was touching the parchment," Sirius said stupidly, "There is going to be grease marks everywhere, they won't be able to read anything!"

     One glare from me and Sirius shut his mouth.

     "You wait, you wait," Snape said.

     "Wait for," Sirius started but once again silenced by my glare.

     But James didn't stop there, "Let's wash mouth your mouth, Scourgify!"

     Pink bubbles were coming out of Snape's mouth.

     "LEAVE HIM ALONE," Lily screamed from behind me.

     When James saw Lily put his hands through his hair messing it up, "All right Evans?"

     "Leave him alone," Lily said in a deathly calm voice, "What has he ever done to you?"

     "Well, the fact that he exists," James said shrugging.

     "You think you're funny Potter, you're just an arrogant, bullying toerag, so leave him alone," Lily said coldly.

     "Go out with then, and I won't lay a wand on Snivelly," James said.

     "Really," I yelled going to stand next to Lily.

     "I wouldn't go out with you in a million years, even if it was between you and the giant squid, I'd rather kiss the squid instead," Lily glared.

     "Bad luck," Sirius whispered to James but staring at me scared.

     "Let him down," Lily yelled at James.

     "Gladly," James said viciously letting Snape down.

     "Petrificus Totalus," James yelled right after making Snape stiff.

     "LEAVE HIM ALONE," Lily yelled.

     "Take the curse off him," I demanded.

     "Fine, you're lucky Evan's was here Snivellus," James said arrogantly.

     "I don't need help from filthy little mudbloods like her," Snape said.

     I gasped.

     "Fine, I won't bother you anymore, make sure to wash your pants Snivellus," Lily said ready to cry.

     Before I could say anything, James cut in, "Apologies to Evans!"

     "I don't need you to make him apologize, you're as bad as he is and he doesn't need me as I am just a mudblood to him," Lily said glaring at Snape.

     "What," James yelped.

     That's when Lily broke out in anger, "Messing up your hair because you think it's cool...!"

     I would've stopped Lily there but she was our queen. It isn't a secret that Lily finds James's messed-up hair hot.

     "...that stupid snitch of yours, pulling it out every chance you get, acting like you own the corridors having everyone in your path. I'm surprised your broomstick can get off the ground with that fat head of yours, you make me sick," Lily yelled finishing her ramble.

𝘈𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now