Dinner With the Team

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That night, you and Bucky sat on either side of Clint at dinner so he couldn't say anything about today's incident.

Mostly though, you were just worried that he thought it wasn't just a one time thing. That now he'd think that you and the winter soldier had been sneaking around this while time, or that it would happen again. Which it most certainly wouldn't.

"How'd you like Dr. Windston?" Tony asked suddenly.

You groaned inwardly, trying to think of an escape route. "Um He seemed nice". Bucky shot you an urgent look. "Erm She. She seemed nice"

Wanda snorted and piped up. "cough bullshit cough" As she took a sip of her drink her lips curled into a tiny, evil smile.

"Get outta my head Maximoff" you growled at her darkly.

"God! I knew I should have sent someone to make sure you got there! Just when I start to think you don't need a babysitter" Tony leaned back in his chair in frustration.

"Technically you did, its not my fault he was just incapable of making it happen" you said calmly.

Barnes shot you another, angrier look.

"Y/n, c'mon. Really?" Steve scolded.

"What?! You all should have seen this coming. I didn't do anything that wasn't completely expected if me. If anything you should be mad at Barnes" you tried to defend yourself.

Clint was trying to stifle a laugh next to you so your foot made contact with his shin and he let out a barely audible yelp.

Wanda clearly noticed though, and now she was obviously reading his thoughts.

Tony looked between you and Bucky "that's actually kind of a fair point. Where were you the whole time Barnes"

"Oooooh he was there" Wanda said knowingly after being inside Clint's head. She winked at you.

You stood abruptly before anything else about the day could be revealed. "I'm going to bed"

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