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It was a quiet day at the tower. You sat outside on the front lawn with a carton of eggs waiting for those little preteen assholes to come by on their bikes and try to egg you again... but this time you were ready.

Steve wasn't here to keep an eye on you so for once you had free reign do be as stupid as you wanted. Tony wasn't gonna stop you. He was up in his lab doing billionaire shit, and quite frankly everyone else was to afraid of you to say anything to the effect of " hey maybe throwing eggs BACK at these kids isn't the best idea"

What you didn't know was that steve was coming home from wakanda today.... and he was bringing a friend.

You saw the four bicycles round the corner down the street. It was five boys one of them holding an identical box of eggs to the one you had, and riding on the shocks of one of his buddies.

You stood up and pulled out an egg, rubbing it between your palms. it started crackling and sparking a bit. you felt the electricity building up inside of the small object

At that moment a black car pulled up and Steve and Bucky hopped out. Steve was carrying a bag but dropped it and ran up to you.

Y/n! C'mon really? we talked about this." He tried to grab the egg out of your hand but it gave him a small shock. He looked up at you with an eyebrow raised. You winked and just as the boy with the eggs raised his hand you threw yours. It went whizzing through the air looking like a meteor with ball of bluish light surrounding it.

It hit him square in the head and he collapsed in a very anticlimactic manner. The other boys stopped and stared at you stunned " well hurry up, pull him off the road before he gets run over" you smiled, barely containing laughter.

When you saw they were having trouble you swaggered up to them and pulled the unconscious teenager onto the lawn yourself.

"Y/n it's only a matter of time before someone calls the cops!" Steve said concerned.

"Oh dont worry me and Tami across the street have an agreement.

Just then the old woman came out of the coffee shop adjacent from the tower and waved. "Hi Tami" you waved in a relaxed manner.

Steve grabbed your arm "y/n this is serious. One more dumb mistake on your part and you'll actually end up going to the raft this time.... instead of a mental hospital"

You slapped his hand away " okay first of all. I didn't go to that place 'instead' of the raft, I went to recover from 'the mental trauma I experienced in Denmark while under the control of hydra' second..." you gestured nonchalantly towards the small boy sprawled out on the lawn "he'll be fine, he's gonna wake up in about fifteen minutes and not remember a thing."

Steve held his hands up looking as though he was trying to restrain himself from choking you, " that's not the point! You've already violated the socovia accords with that stunt you pulled in Japan" "and in case you  haven't noticed" he added sarcastically "you haven't been allowed on any missions for two and a half months because of your reckless bullshit."

You rolled your eyes "language cap" you mocked.

He put a hand on your shoulder " Y/n you only have three months before your parole is over" he clenched his jaw and looked away. Frustrated. " just please be careful"

You looked at you feet " sure cap, but only cause I've heard the food they serve on the raft is absolute shit." Steve gave a small smile and looked up "language"

For the first time you noticed bucky, who had been standing there awkwardly for the entire exchange "Barnes" you said coldly "y/l/n" he with the same angry but contained tone.

two years ago when you helped steve and sam clear his name, the two of you hadn't gotten along well at all. You hadn't been able to think of any reason why he hated you so much. But he treated you like shit when you were trying to help, and you returned the favour.

It wasn't a good mix, you were both short tempered, witty, and prone to fits of aggression. When you fought these created the same atmosphere as a grenade that was about to detonate, and you fought all the time.

You turned to Steve " I'd didn't know you were BRINGING him!" You yelled
Bucky scoffed "yeah well I'm not exactly slap happy to see you either princess"

That was it. You walked up and slapped him square across the face "dont call me princess old man, or I'll rip that dumbass scrapmetal off of your shoulder and shove it so far up you-"

Steve interjected before you could go any further "y/n stop! Both of you just- cut it out. You're acting like children" you let out a small laugh " well we both know it's been waaaaay to long since grandma here was considered a child"

Bucky lunged at you. You were both writhing around on the grass kicking, biting and slapping. You started to build up energy inside of you to electrocute the living hell out that asshole, but steve saw your hands start to glow blue and pulled you off of him before you could.

Once he knew you weren't going to start wrestling again he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Let's just go inside."

Trust Me Barnes जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें