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The three of you sat awkwardly in the living room around the coffee table.

"I um- I think the others said they'd be back tomorrow" you tried to break the silence.

"Wonderful" was all Thor said.

You tapped your foot uncomfortably, trying to figure out what to say.
"You guys want dinner or something?" Was all you could come up with.

Barnes scoffed and shook his head sarcastically. "I don't trust you with my food as far as I can throw you"

"You'd think the winter soldier could throw a girl pretty far" you retorted. He stood aggressively as if thinking it might be a good idea to continue your fight from earlier.

Thor stood as well and put an arm between you. "A feast sounds perfect y/n" he said, trying to diffuse the tension by separating the two of you.

You thought for a moment "ya know what? No. Mr 1945 here is probably used to women just being in the kitchen and shit, if he wants dinner he can cook it himself. I'm not gonna act like some prissy ass housewife for his sake"

Bucky scowled at you. "C'mon Thor you must be starving" you said as you turned to the kitchen.

"I- um" the Blonde started.
You just have him a look that could melt ice. "Right of course" he blurted sheepishly.


You and Thor sat silently eating a re-heated pizza in the dining room.

"Why do you and the soldier dislike eachother so much?" He said through a mouthful.

You straightened and sighed. "I dunno, he says he doesn't trust me cause I worked for hyrda"

His brows furrowed so you continued before he could ask. "Apparently I can't be trusted cause I wasn't under mind control like him.... and to top it all of, he says he thinks what happened in Japan didn't sound like an accident"

"But-" he started.

"I know, I know, its ridiculous" you sighed and leaned back in your chair.

You finished the meal in silence. When you were done you got tired of it. "Look Thor, I've been meaning to talk to you about what happened"

He looked up at you nervously, "that probably a good idea"

"Its not your fault man, you couldn't have known I was standing there, and what was going to happen and-" you couldn't finish, the teate were building up.

"But y/n you understand why I can't help but feel at least a little guilty" Thor said pleadingly.

"It was my fault, I thought I understood everything about my powers.... I just- I don't know" you hated crying in front of people.

Thor stood up and moved to your side of the table, he placed a comforting arm around your shoulder but didn't say anything.

The two of you sat awkwardly for a moment before you cleared your throat and wiped your eyes. "I um- I should go and uh train. We can watch a movie later or something if you want" you said, trying to brush of your minor breakdown.

"Sounds wonderful" he replied kindly.

Sorry for a bit of a filler chapter.

Thanks so much for reading. It means the world to me, ot really does.



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