Night Terrors

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You stood in the middle of a crowded street, trying to see the attackers approaching, they could have been anyone.

You started to panic, what if they just start killing civilians? What if I identify the wrong person and accidentally kill an innocent?

Steve and Tony were practically across town trying to neutralize the threat from another main target point. You might as well have been out here alone.

Then, out of no where a huge blast if lighting strikes right beside you. You felt youself absorbing more energy than ever before.

People scattered around you. But not far enough

Thor stood next to where the blast was. You finally caught sight of a target who matched the description Tony had given you.

You and Thor had him on the ground within seconds. He struggled in your grasp so you attempted to give him a small shock using the huge amount of electricity you'd just absorbed but you didn't have control anymore.

All of it released at once. Destroying the entire street. Thor lay unconscious and you barely registered Tony's voice in your headset. You couldn't understand anything he was saying though. All you could focus on was the hundreds of bodies littering the street around you for at least a half mile radius.

You had done this.

You hadn't had the full control you thought.

You passed out at the sight of the harm you'd caused.

You were jolted awake by a loud pounding on your bedroom door.

Seconds later both Thor and Bucky came charging in.

"Was there an intrusion?!" Thor inquired loudly. You sat up and pulled the blanket up a bit. "What? I'm fine. The hell are you talking about?"

"There was screaming" Buck said, trying not to sound worried.

"Oh" was all you responded with.

Thir sat down on the bed by your foot. "You had another dream." It sounded more like a statement than a question.

You nodded. "Y/n, Stark told me those had stopped months ago" Thor whispered, so only you could hear.

"Look, I'm fine. I'm sorry if I woke you up. But I'm fine. Now would you both get out of my room" you said sternly.

Bucky opened his mouth as if to say something but shut it again and walked out. Thor have you a small smile and followed him.

You ran your hand across your forehead and felt a layer of sweat that had formed during your night terror. So you got in the shower and almost fell asleep again standing up with your head leaning against the wall.

When you got out, the only clothes you could be bothered to put on at the moment was a pair of shorts and a sports bra.

A fast, irritating rapping on the door shook you out of a daze that staring at the blank while wall had put you in for the last twenty minutes.

"Oh! C'min" you called tiredly.

Of course it was Tony who swaggered in, despite the fact that he'd probably just been in mortal danger he was as awake and peppy as ever.

"Some welcoming party we recieved" he said sarcastically as he yanked open your curtains. "Just *point break* eating all my food outta the fridge"

You didn't answer.

"Thor did tell me one useful thing before he shoved more cheerios in his mouth" Tiny crossed his arms and came to stand in front of you.

"Oh?" You asked coldly.

"You had another dream"

"Did not" you said, trying to brush it off.

"So all that screaming that JARVIS recorded... was it just for fun?" He raised his eyebrows.

You rolled your eyes and stood up, headed for the door.

"You can walk away but I have a solid solution to more than one of your problems" Tony called after you.

You spun around inquisitively.

"You and Barnes are gonna do some group therapy"

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