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third person pov

july 1st, 2021

"Babe, how's the food?"

The younger boy turned to the side.

"It's delicious!" He smiled brightly, "Hawaii is a gorgeous place, with absolutely delicious food."

"I'm glad, I was worried because only I can drink on this trip." Taehyung pat Jungkook's head as they both finished up their food. They ate in peace, tranquility, and full of joy.

"What's next on our agenda today, Tae?" Jungkook asked the older boy, while finishing off his water.

"Hmm.... wanna go watch the sunset? Maybe swim a little?" Taehyung got excited at this idea, knowing it was just another excuse to look at the boys stunning body, and spend some nice alone time.

"That sounds amazing!" He was so happy, they were so happy.


After finishing dinner, the two walked down to the beach, hand in hand. They had their swimsuits on all day long, with some basic hawaiian tourist shirts on.

They walked slowly down the steps, to a more secluded beach they managed to find at the beginning of their trip. It was gorgeous, small, and it felt like they were in their own little world.

"Even though I'm a boy," Jungkook said, looking down at his hand, "I do wish you proposed with a more feminine and expensive looking ring."

"Really??" Taehyung scuffed and looked away, "We were barely out of high school, it's not like I could afford one like that..."

Jungkook squeezed the boy's cheeks, smiling, "I'm just teasing you darling."

"Hey," Taehyung removed Jungkook's hands from his face, "...I know."

He jumped up and kissed the boy, unlocking hands to run away down to the water, basking in the golden sun. Golden hour was their favorite, especially for taking pictures.

They sat down near the water, careful not to completely wet themselves. The sun was beaming, despite it falling around to the other side of the world.

"Remember in high school," Jungkook said, "We used to text each other, but only you knew who I was. That was so unfair! You should have told me right away." He pouted, hoping for a cheeky response back from the older boy, his husband.

"Yes, I do remember," Taehyung said back, "It was more entertaining for me, especially to see your live reactions in class. I'm glad I didn't scare you off with the unknown number thing." He laughed a little, grabbing the boy's hand once again, looking deep into Jungkook's starry and gleaming eyes.

"Well, you could never scare me off. I had a feeling it was you... But I didn't want to scare you off! What if I said the wrong person??" Jungkook giggled, remaining eye contact with his lover.

"Ahhh, I love you so much. So so much. I would say something cheesy like your eyes are more bright and beautiful than the sun, but who are we kidding this is the most amazing sunset I've ever experienced." Jungkook smacked the boy in a joking way, getting scared that he may have accidentally swatted him a little too hard.

"Be nice to me! I have amazing eyes..." Jungkook wasn't really offended, he just loved his banter. He was so much more confident now, in himself and in his looks.

"You do, I can't argue with that," Taehyung spoke, "Maybe I should say something cheesy?"

"Noooo, that's way too cringey," Jungkook laughed hard, leaning down and putting his head onto Tae's lap.

"You're so pretty, I'm glad I married you," Taehyung said quietly, stroking Jungkook's hair.

He whipped his head up to face him, "Hey! You shouldn't care just about looks, you know. I have a pretty amazing personality."

Taehyung laughed in response, "Darling, I know. I know. You've got an even prettier personality."

"Says you... You're the nicest person on the planet!" Jungkook leaned up to meet the boy's face, kissing him smack on the lips.

For a moment, time stopped. They loved each other more than anything else in the whole world. To them, only they existed in this exact moment. No one was in sight, and all they could see was each other, almost completely ignoring the even better view of the sunset.

"So what's next in our life? I'm excited to spend eternity with you." Jungkook smiled hard, tackling the boy onto the sand, so he could look down at him. "What's after Hawaii? Japan?"

"Hey! I'm not rich," Taehyung giggled, "How about kids? Want them?"

"Make kids? Or adopt them?"

Taehyung blushed hard, "Uhh.... I don't think we can make kids... I payed attention in health class."

"Yes, I know, Im just teasing you," Jungkook bopped his nose, "I love teasing you, Im just getting you back from earlier."

"I want kids," Tae said in return.

"Okay okay, I do too, but first let's make some, hm?"

Taehyung blushed even more than before, as the boy on top of him began to wrestle him. The sun set completely, trapping them in the darkness once again. They were in love, married, and ready for their bright and happy future.

The End, for now.

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