Chapter 2: Family History

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(Liebe's p.o.v.)

I finally get to meet my little brother Asta, face to face, and now I'm about to tell him about our mother, as well as my life story. Both of which, will be hard to talk about. "Ok Asta, before I talk about mom, I should explain how I came to this world, and what it's like in the underworld." I said to him. He nodded in reply. "As you already know, devils are born in the underworld, including myself, however what you don't know is that like how humans have a set place in society from the day their born, each devil has their place set in the pecking order from birth. The only difference is how the social class interact with each. Because, the underworld is a boring, and barren wasteland, the devils of higher rank torture the devils of lower rank, and the lower ranks do the same to the devils beneath them. I was born without magic, just like you, and because of that, I was solidly at the bottom of the heap, I spent every day there since birth, covered in my own blood and wounds, and because I was so weak and pathetic, I was never given a name at birth. But what brought devils the most joy was tormenting humans, every devil wants to come the living world, where the humans are. However, because the gates of the underworld are always closed shut, they're not able to. After being beaten bloody for so long, I stopped caring about anything, even dying. Then, one day, a higher ranked devil threw me at the gate out of anger. I thought I was smash into and splatter all over the place, but because I had no magic, I passed right through the gate, and all of a sudden, I found myself in your world. With no where to go, I just started wondering despite the injuries I had when I was still in the underworld. I don't know if it's because I had no magic, or just because I was so torn up, but I couldn't care less about you humans, when I walked through a village, I would ignore the people. However, the people didn't ignore me, the humans feared and loathed me for no other reason than being a devil, they called the magic knights to chase me off. I ran until I collapsed from my injuries and exhaustion, as my consciousness was fading I thought that was where I would die, and I felt relieved that my worthless life was about to end, then I blacked out. But the next time I opened my eyes, I found myself in a bed covered in bandages. As I sat up, I heard a voice on my right." Asta then asked,"Wait, you mean?" I answered,"Yes, it was Licita, our mother. She found me and brought me to her house to treat me. Her magic was to take something without mana and put it in or take it out of other magicless items, she used that to carry me back to her home. She went on to say that she found the 5 leaf grimoire, the same one you use now, a few days before meeting me. As she was saying all that, I asked her why she wash afraid of me, like the other humans." Asta was curious about what her reply was, so he asked,"What did she say?" I continued my story, "She laughed and said, 'Why would anyone be afraid of an injured little kid, especially one who's magicless, besides people hate me even more.' When she finished saying that, suddenly a snake fell from the ceiling. She then explained why that happened, she said it was because she had a curse that drains away not mama but life energy from anything close to her and for that reason, she was forced to live in isolation far from the village, then she told me that she had an idea, one that I still can't believe." "What idea?" Asta said. "She noticed that I was unaffected by her curse so she asked me to stay with her and be her child. Honestly, I thought she was crazy for saying that, but I had nowhere else to go, so I decided to stay with her. She was jumping for joy when I said ok. But then she realized that she didn't know my name, when I told her I didn't have one, she said she would give me a name. That's how I got the name,'Liebe'. During the time I lived with her, Licita and myself lived a fun and carefree life, like how any human child spends with their parents. She changed my whole world, and gave me back my will to live. However, those peaceful days didn't last forever." Asta's face clearly showed that he was baffled by what I just said, so he asked, "What happened?" I answered with great sorrow, "Licita, our mom was killed." Asta was shocked. I continued on. "One day, while on the way back home from fishing, suddenly I felt something was wrong with my body, mom noticed something was wrong and asked with worry what happened, and that's when we found out that another devil tried to take over my body, his name was Lucifero, he's the king of devils. He apparently heard that I was in the human world, and tried to use my body to try to manifest himself, but Mom wasn't going to let that happen. She grabbed a hold of me trying to force Lucifero out, but once he noticed that she was draining his magic, he got irritated and raised up my arm which he had possessed and ran it through her chest, but she didn't die immediately and she was able to force Lucifero out of my body. However, before he left he said that he would come back and try it again. Hearing this, Mom used the last of her mana to seal me within the the 5leaf grimoire, before she did her last words were these, 'Im sorry, but when you leave the grimoire I'm sure by then you'll have grown big and strong. Live Liebe, my beloved son.' that was the first time I had ever cried."

(Asta's p.o.v.)

I couldn't believe it, Liebe and I lived a very similar life, only he suffering a lot more than me. What's more he saw our mom die right before his eyes. I can only imagine how much anger and hate he harbors in his heart.

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