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This is a action/thriller/dark romance/ adult content  and ABUSE so if you don't like this maybe this is not for you.

Hope (picture) Clark is in her mid 20  having blond hair and blue green eyes. She thinks she is biological daughter to the ultra rich family that is famous by being a agent, science, technology and mechanics and finance. (Like Stark business but more much more success and expensive). The family is a ancestor and the business is coming from generations in the family, Family is led by the owner of the business and the wife that is his assistant, Hope. Hope dose look like them a lot and will inherited the company after the parents.

*She dose not know about the powers that she can do and will notes it after a incident when Bucky, Steve and Tony accidentally watched happens or how strong she is.

*She can do electricity Thor her brother. everything that includes fire and control fire. telekinesis, heal and bring people back to life, blast, forcefield, shields and Phoenix
She has same power as Jean Grey and the Phoenix

*She is an expert gun expert and master combatt as Carlo and his grandparents generations  (you can read who is he linjer down on this page) hired skilled en experts at unarmed combat.

What happens when the Avengers later tell her later in the book that she is not biological child of the family and rather that she was kidnapped by young age from Asgard and is the biological little sister from Loki and Thor which means she is a princess. They have looked everywhere for her but Thor dose realize her when he sees her for the first time in thousand years,

The family will do anything not to let the avengers get their hands on Hope and that the avengers will ruin the plan for what they have In store for Hope. She is thousand of years old and been frozen down off and on in years  (like hydra did to Bucky) And that she had some fling with Bucky and Steve in the War but later she disappear. She dose remember them later and dose not remember that she is so old.

Bucky have Vibranium arm already and is free from Hydra control and the manipulation.

Peggy dose not exist in this story.

I will go back and forth past and real time. The story on after this story line. With Hope coping after all that has happen with her and meeting her real parents. And the love between Hope and Bucky and Steve. Who is she choosing in the end.

Remember that Hope is thousand years old (knew Bucky and tall Steve but dose not remember) but Is frozen down (like the winter solider was frozen down) and every time that's happens she loose memory. In the past Hope has different make to believe parents that is Carlo grandparents since long time. You will get a hang of it as the story goes on

*Hope we're best friend with Bucky and Steve since childhood. Both of them have a love interest in Hope, she has slept with both of them. Hope where with Steve when he did the treatment and became tall Steve. When Steve saved Bucky Hope got capture by Zola and Red skull. Bucky and Steve tried to save her but the building started to crumble. After that Bucky and Steve have tried find her and rescue her from Hydra.

The name list of some important roles that is not in Avengers

*Hope (the main person)
*Carlo (the rival to Tony Stark industries(but Tony is a fan. The made to believe father)
*Kendra (the made to believe mother)
*Andrew( Hope's arrange fiancé, is evil works with Carlo, and have super strength and manipulate all forms of magnetism (comes in the later in book 2 at the end) plus telepathy. Carlo experiment on Andrew later in story and Andrew gets the manipulate all forms of magnetism, and to take down Hope and Avengers bring her home.(except Iron man and Buckys arm)  . and is controlling and abusive.
*Aubrey(Hope Best friend since long time)

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