Louis POV--

Some might say I'm a dumbass and this is not a good idea but, my birthday party is in 2 days

And I'm going to invite Rahim


I go into the living room

"Yeah?" Harry pats the seat next to him, notepad in hand

I sit down, leaning into his frame "Yeah babe?"

"We need to write down the list of people for your party"

I hum "Well Lottie of course, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Gemma"

Harry writes them done "Oh Perrie..and uh" Harry looks at me "?" (Idk wtf that's the face Harry makes, yes a ?)

"Rahim" Harry doesn't say anything he just nods and writes it down

I can tell him mood had changed

Probably a bad idea but I can't help but asking "I was going to go to the cafe, want to join?" I pray to God Rahims not there

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