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please don't complain that its short i'm busy from 7 am to 7:30 pm all day i don't have much time to write and the discreption says its a short au, i have had to delete comments complaining about its shortness, kindly fuck off, i will also update tomorrow so yeah


Louis POV--

Harry has been working more and ignoring me a bit but I don't mind because when I'm bored I just go and hang with Rahim

As I walk into the Cafe today I since something different but I ignore it "Hi lou!" I make my way to the counter "Hey Ri"

He smiles "the usual?" I nod "you joining me today" he looks at the clock

"My breaks in 5 minute" I smile and make my way to the back of the Cafe

I feel someone's eyes on me but I shake it off

Rahim makes his way with 2 cups of tea a few minutes later

We tall, laugh, smile for about 15 minutes before I feel a tap on my shoulder

It's harry, he looks rough, sad and shrunken into himself "Lou, wanna go home?" I nod and look at Rahim "Yeah let me say by and I'll see you outside"

Harry walks out and Rahim looks hurt "who's that?" I shake my head "someone that means a lot to me" He looks confused "and lou? I thought that was an us thing" I shake my head "he had it first"

Before Rahim can respond I walk outside and me and haz walk home together

No holding hands

No talking

No nothing

When we get home he goes straight to his room ignoring me

How the fuck did I get in this situation 

My dear beloved (larry stylinson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz