'you're not as sly as you think'

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Chapter twenty-two

         'sugar and spice and everything nice,
then a hint of mischief in those beautiful eyes'

"Can you explain to us why you forced us out of bed at eight o'clock on a Saturday morning?" kelisha asks securing her night robe around her slender waist.

I shrug "I have something to tell you guys"

She purses her lips letting out an exasperated sigh "you couldn't wait for me to put on something decent before dragging me out of my house"

    Jared snickers from his position on the couch causing Lisha to hurl a throw pillow at him which he catches effortlessly and sets down flashing her a mocking smile.

"Loser" she mouths flipping him off.

"Can you guys stop bickering for once and listen to me"

"We're listening" they both yell.

Kelisha sighs "please just talk"

Truth is, I've been stalling for the past one hour and thirty minutes because I'm waiting for harry to get here.

After our sort-of date at the Cinema harry asked for another date, me being the old-fashioned hag that I am I asked for a week to think about it.

I was secretly screaming in joy on the inside but I still had to act calm and collected.

                 Over the week, while I was contemplating my answer, I couldn't help but feel super guilty about lying to kelisha and Jared about the first date so I decided that if there was to be a second date we had to tell them about it.

But I can't be interrogated and/or screamed at alone so I invited harry over. They both already dislike him so I figured why not put all the attention on him.

Harry just isn't good with timings and I can feel kelisha's patience wearing off.

I sigh.

Guess I'm doing this alone.

"You see guys......." Not finding the right words to say I turn my attention to the door.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Kelisha questions.

   It's then harry decides to brace us all with his presence, dressed in khaki shorts, white tank top and a satin silk blue jacket, his whole appearance screams summer sunshine.

It's like the air surrounding us frezzes and nobody is able to move, their eyes constantly roaming from harry who's looking rather amused with this situation and me about to start shitting bricks.

"Um, hi" harry words sheepishly, shutting the door and then slowly walking to me.

"What are you doing here?" Jared seems to be out of his trance and he's suddenly realized that he's not dreaming and Harry's actually standing there.

Harry nudges me.

"Yeah, so what I wanted to tell you guys...."

"Let me guess, you're eloping with him" Jared snides a dead set look on his face.

"No!!" Harry and I are quick to defend.

I clear my throat. "We went on a date last week"

The silence that comes after my remark last only a few seconds before it's diminished by kelisha's brash laughter.

"Is that what this was about" she chuckles "I already knew about that"

Gobsmacked I gape at her.

The night that led to you {H.S}Where stories live. Discover now