'did you forget me?'

153 15 44

Chapter two

             'All those times I told myself I'll never run back to you, thrown into the drains the moment you smile'



    Anyone who walks into my apartment at this time would not be convinced that I am the immaculate and perfect home breeder I portray  myself as.

Which is exactly why I locked my door to prevent that from ever happening.

      Pillows scattered all over the ground, discarded take-out boxes next to Charlotte who has taken more interest with the sleeping dog on her lap than the work set before her. I could complain that she isn't being serious with her homework but I was supposed to be assisting her yet i lay on a makeshift bed of pillows talking to my bestfriend.

"So let me get this straight, you set out to work at that dingy krusty krab of a place, didn't get the job but then got offered by a complete stranger to be a model"

"Yup" I say placing my phone between my cheek and collar.

"I have to work my butt off to keep my job, you get fired and three months later your gonna be a ass kicking celebrity who practically shits money"

A small laugh escapes my lips "first of all kelisha you don't work at all, you get handed big ass checks just to get out of your parents hair which you'll probably do for free"

"Yeah but I'm no celebrity"

"Wanna swap places"

"Thanks" kelisha says giggling "but I don't think I can pull off the mom jeans"

I roll my eyes "I do not wear mom jeans"

"Surree, so why didn't you agree to do the modeling gig"

"Because" I say with a sigh "it's a one day thing and what I want is a stable job"

"It's a start be grateful and take it. See it as a way to hang around hot guys"

"I know I ought to be grateful,which is why I've sent her a message since I couldn't get through to her line"

There's a long pause one the other end.

"so you mean to tell me that I wasted the time I could've been using to drink expensive champagne off the counter of my dad's manager,who might I add is a total hottie to listen to you whine about how you have a problem even though you've already been a grown ass woman and made your own decision"

I chew on my lips "I also missed you"

She groans "well at least now I can say I'm indirectly related to a celebrity"

Tired of correcting her about the celebrity part I just laugh.

"You've always been related to a celebrity weren't you grand pare-"

She cuts me off with a growl "I just think it'll be much easier and less embarrassing to boast about knowing a model than someone who thought about creating something to wipe the shit off people's asses"

"Yeah you're probably right"

"Not that I don't love this conversation that we're having but I'd rather be in a hot tub watching Stephan eat jelly beans off my body"

I scrunch up my nose in disgust. "TMI kelisha"

She laughs "bye honey, tell Lottie aunt lisha loves her"

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