"Chaeyoung," he said, her name rolling off of his tongue "I need You"

She stared up at him with an open mouth, not exactly sure how to respond, until the only thing that left her lips was, "What?"

"I need someone I can trust, and finding someone to trust isn't easy nowadays; just take a look at your dickhead brother. People just wanna disappoint, you know?"

His words lingered there, swimming around in her mind, the implication behind them clear. "You want me to work for you?!"

He pointed his finger at her for emphasis. "Technically, you're gonna work for my boss, but yeah." His eyes moved to his thigh, where his hand was rubbing against his jeans.

Chaeyoung felt a laugh that didn't belong surged up her throat but she didn't let it loose; instead, it seemed to choke the words on her tongue. "Oh, God. To think I wouldn't ever hear stupid words coming out of anyone's mouth. You want me to work for gangsters? To be a criminal like you?" She did let out a disbelief laugh that sounded hollow to her ears.

He let out an unamused chuckle, a husky sound that settled warmly in the pit of her stomach. "Well, you can't be like me. There's only one me."

Her lips parted, but at first, no sound came out. No matter the situation, she always felt flustered around him. Clearing her throat and blinking out of her haze, she spoke, "No, that's not going to happen." She closed her eyes and exhaled, frustrated to no end.

"You love saying no, don't you? Might start to think you love it when I push you."

"You're asking me to work for a You! You want to drag me into your crimes, and you think I would happily say yes?"

"To save your brother, yes. What's not clicking, Babe?" His features drastically changed, face suddenly hardening, jaw clenching and eyes darkening.

When he spoke, his voice came out low, his serious tone sending chills down her spine. "Besides, I don't see you doing anything good with your life. This might be the only time you get to experience a thrill in your dull life. Now, people in your spot will nod and say thank you."

"Oh, excuse me if I don't want to end up in prison or dead!"

Ghost gazed at her, eyes narrowed with a parted mouth, eyebrows furrowed deep in thought. "Can't deny that there's a good chance you might end up in prison, but dead? Nah, unless you piss me off, then I'd have to..." He raised his thumb as his hand mimicked a gun before he was pulling the trigger with his index and middle fingers. A second later, he dropped the hand with a smile. "Don't worry, I'm quite fond of you right now."

Chaeyoung reared back, eyes widening as his words danced around inside her head. She opened her mouth to speak before almost immediately slamming it shut. "I'm not going to kill anyone for you."

He laughed. "You ain't got nothing to worry about that. That's for professionals only."

Her eyes widened, horrified as the meaning of his words sank in. "How can you say that like you take pleasure in ending someone's life?" She swallowed as she forced her heart rate to decrease.

"I take pleasure in a lot of things," he confessed huskily, burning a hole in her face with his pensive eyes. "Like this deal you and I have. I'm taking a lot of pleasure from it. And two, you'll find that killing someone has an oddly calming effect."

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