Fuse X reader

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Fuse X reader:


Please do not read ahead if you suffer from this, and there are hotlines available and I promise you that you are okay!

Again "This" will be flashbacks

Everyone is on the top of the ship, drinking, laughing and watching the sun set, it was going all good until I felt someone pull my hair, I scream and look to see Mirage

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Everyone is on the top of the ship, drinking, laughing and watching the sun set, it was going all good until I felt someone pull my hair, I scream and look to see Mirage.

He lets go and panics
"Did I hurt you, I am sorry!" He says and I giggle
"Nope, just wanted to scare the person who did it!" I say still giggling, praying to god that everyone pays it.

About 3 minutes after that I excuse myself and head to my room, I sit on my bed and warp my arms around my shoulders, tears rolling down my cheeks as I start to feel like I am back there

"NO STOP IT!" I yell as a man pins my chest to the ground
"Shut it you whore!" The man spits at me before pulling my hair up and his mouth is near my ear
"You are going to enjoy this cock if you like it or not!" He yells in my ear as I scream out for help..but no one came.

I was snapped out of my trance when I hear a knock on my door
"Who is it?" I ask hoping I sound as normal as possible
"Your old man, Fusy" Fuse says from the other side, I smile faintly.

I get up from my bed and open the door
"Hey Fuse" I say
"Woah, what is wrong with you?" He asked as he shocked at my teary eyes and red cheeks
"Just some bad memories, is all. Nothing to worry about" I say with a small smile.

He looks somewhat worried
"Look mate, if something is upsetting you we can talk about it. It isn't really a big deal. Sometimes you have to get things off of your chest" he says.

I think about his words
" Sometimes you have to get things off of your chest"
"Yeah alright but it is will a long story" I say with a sad chuckle
"I am all up for long stories!" He says as he comes in and we sit on my bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~

I couldn't stop the tears from falling, the more I talk about it the more I feel like I am there again but I need someone to know
"H-he pushed my chest to the ground, pulls my hair and yells something in my ear and I scream out for help but..no one came to help...I tried to get away from him! I tried to fight back, wiggle, squirm, biting, screaming, I even tried to turn out of his grasp but nothing seemed to work.." I say while looking down at my hands in my lap.

I see Fuse's hand rest on-top of my hands
"It sounds to me that you have PTSD mate..does Lifeline know about this?" He asks, I shake my head no
"No not get, I haven't been strong enough to tell anyone, well..besides from you now" I say with a sad chuckle again, His smile is a small one.

It was silent for about 10 seconds
"How about we go tell her now? You have been strong enough to tell me and if it is to much to talk about again I will tell her for you. You need this" he says while smiling and I hesitantly nod my head and then off we went to lifeline's office.

 You need this" he says while smiling and I hesitantly nod my head and then off we went to lifeline's office

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I hope everyone enjoyed today's/tonight's story!

Words: 606

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