Protecting you

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Mario voice:


Bloodhound:You are a Healer

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You are a Healer

We are in the Garden on Olympus, my team is Bloodhound, Bangalore and Me!

We were collected our items when it was announced that only 5 teams were left, I sigh knowing it is going to be a close match today
"Scanning the area" Bloodhound says and a team was picked up near us
"Heading in" Bangalore says and starts jogging over to where the team was.

I am next to my partner Bloodhound when all of a sudden Bangalore was down and now a banner, I was shocked but soon shook my head and ran in hoping to come out alive, Bloodhound not to far behind me.

I knock one, I hid behind a wall to recharge my shield.

Bloodhound knocked another one down, I was about to move away from the wall when someone pointed a gun at my head
"Not one move" Revenant says
"Put your weapon down" I do as he says
"Now tell me where the last one is" I try to make up any excuse
"They are off at boxing ring"
"No, not really" A strong Icelandic voice says from behind Revenant, then Revenant is down.

I look up at Bloodhound and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in
"Thank you, Blood" I say while smiling, they help me up
"No need to thank me, it is my job to protect you as your partner" They say before I kiss their mask and grab our teammates banner.

You are a dps

My team is at Turbine In Olympus, my team is Octane, Myself and my girlfriend Lifeline.

Octane is running off without us trying to find enemies while Lifeline and me and just walking behind him
"Hey guy! I found some trouble!" Octane says over the voice coms.

Lifeline and I start running towards him but when we got there he was already dead
"We need to pick up the banner! I will go left, you go right" Lifeline says, I nod and do as I was told.

I have a strong grip on my Volt, looking out for any sort of enemies but all of a sudden I was hit in the back of the head.

I fall into the floor and my gun slides away from me
"Of fucking course"
I turn around to see who it was and big surprise it was Bangalore and she is pointing her Hemlok right at my face
"Any last words?" She says
"Yeah, Don't touch my girlfriend" Lifeline says before jumping behind me and shooting Bangalore.

I look up at her and she helps me up, she hooks her medical drone to me
"Are you okay?" She asks
"Better now" I say smiling before she grabs Octane's Banner

Apex legends Oneshots!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora