i could feel my eyes build up with tears,i didn't want him to see it,i didn't want to look weak,i crawled towards him hopping on his lap,encircling my legs and arms around his waist and neck accordingly,i buried my head into his neck silently sobbing,he hugged me back tight,

"i'm sorry y/n for yesterday,i know you care,Heck,you care the most for me,i was just mad at you for being out late at night all alone, i am just afraid somebody would hurt you,after your ex incident,i can't trust you with anybody else,so i acted the way i did."he said later placing a soft kiss on my shoulder.

"i'm sorry too,i shouldn't have acted that way."i said hugging him,making sure to not let him have a idea about my tears.

"no,i'm sorry,i should have picked your call or replied,without acting like a dick,knowing you are having a tough time i should have been there for you,but i had lost my mind.i'm sorry,forgive me and please don't cry"he said making me leave a sob aloud while he caressed my back.

"baby girl please don't cry."he continued pulling you back wiping away your tears."don't ever try to hide your tears from me,i know you so much,that i could tell how you feel even when i'm not around,so don't ever try to hide away from me."he remarked as he left a peck on my nose.

"okay"i mumbled shy bending down to realize that i was still on his lap,climbing down i shied away apologizing  while pointing at his lap making him chuckle and ruffle my hair

"i'll leave now,i'll be back by afternoon,take care until then."he said getting up wearing his jacket 

"hey,it'll burn if you wear that,"i pointed at the shoulder and his jacket.

"it's okay,it doesn't hurt sweet heart."he winked "stop with those cliche names"i scrunched my nose.


looking at her zone out again i clasped my finger in front of her face making her jolt up and come back to reality "hello miss,i asked you if you ate something?"

"no,koo,i have to finish this unit and also revise,i don't have time to do anything,just don't disturb me now."she said tensed turning back to her books on the table

"what are you trying to solve?"i peeped in"oh,it's easy i have already finished this."i chimed excited to only receive a glare from her 

"i know you are all done,let me study now, i don't remember a single alphabet from this chapter."she sighed sadly,i stood behind her chair,caging her in between my hands,bending towards the table i had towered over her,snatching the pen from her hand i started,

"look, it's simple,don't make it hard looking at the text, draw the columns as it is,next fill up the given particulars with it's group accordingly."i said as i wrote on her book making it more understanding"later add the values to the final column,and here's where the tricky part comes, first subtract both A and B from the value then add the formula,that's it,there you go you have cracked the problem."i said as i scribbled the final answer.

"woah,that's the right answer, damn this is easy,i will try it."she said as she snatched the pen out of my grip,i smiled at her desperateness

"what do you want to eat ,i'll cook for you,i know for a fact that you haven't eaten anything from afternoon."i said waiting for an answer but SHE being SHE,was headless to my question and was solving on her book,sighing at the lack of attention i received,i simply traveled down to the kitchen.

"woah,i completed my syllabus, i can win the world now,wohooo."looking at the girl who had slid down the railing adjacent to the steps.i laughed at her childishness."i'm glad to see that satisfied smile on your face now,make a privilege by making me satisfied just as you by savoring the food i have plated for you." i bowed 

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