don't be a twat about it

327 17 0

~3rd Person P.O.V.~

A truck was speeding down a dirt road. Inside, sat Jorge and Brenda. After a couple of minutes, they soon stopped and waited for the signal. While doing so, Jorge opened his pocket watch, checking the time. "They're late." Jorge spoke up.

Brenda checked the watch on her wrist, seeing that he was in fact correct. The two waited a couple more minutes until a train horn was heard in the distance. Jorge revved up the engine as Brenda got her gun ready. Putting the scrap metals onto his window, Jorge glanced at Brenda, the two of them nodding at each other before they were off.

Driving down a hill, the truck was soon sided with a train. But not just any train. The train that held their friends inside.

Minho and Antonia.

It had been six months since the group had last seen the sarcastic duo, and they all missed them. It had also been six months since Thomas last saw his sister... Jorge speeded through the cargo sections, making it to the front. Both conductors saw the truck beside them and became suspicious. On the other side of the train, another truck was speeding towards it. Inside, sat Thomas and Vince.

"Brenda, we're coming up behind. Keep 'em busy." Thomas shouted into the radio. "Hang on!" Vince shouted to the boy. Back with Jorge and Brenda. Brenda got up from her seat, aiming her sniper at the window. Both conductor's eyes widen and ducked down when Brenda shot. Quickly, she got back into her seat as Jorge let out a laugh.

Soon, Wicked guards started coming out of the train, shooting at the two. Luckily, Jorge was able to dodge the shots as he moved the truck away, shooting a couple of times through the scrap metal covering the window. "Hey, Brenda, you got company!" Brenda heard Thomas exclaim over the radio. "Go, go, go!" Brenda yelled over to Jorge while looking over her shoulder at the berg that was trailing after them.

Suddenly, they started shooting at the two. Jorge was able to dodge the gunfire, driving away from the train, the berg close on their tail. "Thomas, you're on your own. Don't die." Brenda called over the radio. "Good luck!" Thomas called back. After leading the berg away from the train for a couple of minutes, the truck drove over a hill as Jorge let out an excited cry, Brenda doing the same.

"We got 'em! We got 'em!" Jorge exclaimed as he started swerving the truck around. The two made it to a dead-end, swerving the truck around, making them now face the berg. "Step out of the vehicle with your hands up." A masculine voice ordered from the berg. Jorge and Brenda glanced at each other, hopping out of the truck as Wicked guards jogged out of the berg, their guns aimed at the two. The two held their hands up in surrender, walking forward.

"Stop right there. Don't move." One guard ordered as he aimed his gun at them. Brenda and Jorge, simultaneously, took a step back, making the guards step closer. "I said freeze, asshole!" The guard exclaimed in anger. Jorge shrugged innocently. "Whatever you say, Hermano."

Brenda smirked at them, wiggling her fingers. Suddenly, the floor beneath some of the guards went away. The two quickly brought out their guns, aiming them at them, while Frypan and some others came out of their hiding place, shotguns in their hands. Frypan cocked his, aiming it at one of the guard's heads. "Y'all don't wanna do that now."

"Hey, Fry." Brenda greeted the boy, smiling. "Good to see you guys." Frypan greeted back. "Go on, back up." Back in the berg, the driver still sat in the driver seat, now looking out the window, seeing what was happening. Quickly turning around to stop it, he was met with a gun in the face.

Harriet stood there, smiling while staring at the man in front of them. Harriet, who held the gun, slowly cocked it, turning the safety off. "Hi." The girl said smiling, her honey voice laced with poison. The group had gotten ahold of the berg, now flying back to the train. Once they made it, they saw Thomas, Newt, and some others on top, while Vince stood at the bottom. "Alright, boys, we're here!" Jorge shouted in excitement. Brenda was quick to run to the button, pressing it, revealing an anchor lowering down to Newt, who finally got the anchor ahold on the train.

my maze runner (Gally x Reader, Newtmas)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt