"We, uh, intercepted this letter from one of the king's carriers. It's for the lieutenant." My eyes shot to the letter, my head-turning. I held my hand out. Rafe placed it in my palm. Opening the letter gently, as to not tear the sealing, I read the note carefully, slowly. My mouth dried. 

Once I was done, I set it down flat on the table. My hands then retracted to my lap while I stared soundlessly at the note for minutes. Rafe was the first to speak.


"Let me think," I interrupted, my voice nearly a snarl. Inhaling and exhaling, the wheels in my head turned. "Okay. Seal this up and send someone to deliver it to him as if everything is normal. Don't make him suspicious but stay close. Don't let him out of your sight, even if it means following me everywhere. Also, send for Carter. I need him." Rafe nodded, taking the note from the table and slipping it back into his coat before standing up. He stared at me for a second.

"You got us a job didn't you?"

I threw him a wary glance. "What makes you say that?"

He shrugged. "You look exhausted, probably from staying up all night, and you have that look in your eyes that you do when you get a job." Pausing, his weight shifted. "How much?"

"A lot," I said, the lie rolling off my tongue easily. "But it's impossible."

Rafe smiled. "When have we worked on better odds?" He paused. "What's the job?"

"I'll give you details later."

"Oh, that makes me feel better. When?"

"You'll know." He waited for me to elaborate, his brow raised, but when it was apparent I wouldn't, Rafe left to go fulfill my requests.

Carer walked in less than an hour later. He sat across from me. I sipped on my coffee.

"I've been asked for a job with generous compensation," I said simply, beginning to pull out my own letter I'd written the night before, before... all of that happened. "And I need a team for even a sliver of a miracle to come out unscathed. Are you in or out?" Carter's eyes followed my hands as I set the letter on the table. It was addressed to Ace. He twitched uncomfortably.

"Is it legal or Illegal?"

"In whose eyes? The king's or the Guardians?"


I took another long sip of my coffee. "Well, it's legal to the king and illegal to the Guardians, but where we are going, neither can touch us."

Carter picked at his nails. "So which one is it? Legal or illegal?"

"Does it matter as long as you get what you want?"

"To me, yes."

I stared at him for a while. "It's both legal and illegal. Debate on which one all you want, but right now, I need to know if you are in or out. There's no going out if you're in and there's no coming in if you're out. I need an answer now."

He didn't miss a beat. "Why me?"

"You had an expensive education so you're bound to know something useful. Plus, without me here, who will protect you from your father? The only safe way is with me. Now stop with the questions. In or out?"

This time, Carter hesitated. Finally, a long sigh drew from him. "I'm in."

"Great." I pushed the letter toward him. "Go to Ace. Give her this letter and don't leave until you've convinced her to come here. I need you and her here in two hours or less. Got it?" He nodded stiffly, thumbing over the paper. "Good." I stood and began my trek upstairs.

The Scarlet AssassinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora