Chapter 12: Reviewing

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Alnus Hill, Falmart

Imperial Calendar 618

Within things has happened. Godasen has made his way back to the imperial encampment, with slave and treasure caravan.  the loot itself gives many loud applause from the surrounding legionaries who were marching on the second wave of forces to subjugate the new world. which after the auxiliaries forces marched first, then the legionaries will march on next.  

Now it was up to them to inform them of the situation beyond the GATE and send the many weapons they captured for study, so they may prevail against this new world. as many are await for the new development to be announced by the grand mage. but nobody knows there is some sort of recorder on Godasen which was implanted by the zetan, as this is where the FIS will keep listening to his discussion and other discussions from that microchip thing on his neck or body that was implanted on.

"These new development are most disturbing Tiberius. you can't deny this will be the toughest conflict we have yet to fight." Godasen said as he shifted his vision to his assistant who was carrying the weapon taken from the mechanical warrior in the other world. "If we are to succeed in civilizing the new world, we must unlock the secrets of their power, but cowardly weapons. that's why I gave my mages a strict order to collect everything they could from those metallic people and their armed peasants we slaughtered. everything they are carrying when we killed them. now let's hope we can unlock their secrets before we take more devastating losses."

"I understand your concern, but you have stressed yourself too much over this, my friend," Tiberius replied, as he patted his old friend on the shoulder.

The sight of him and Tiberius being back so soon had confused the Emperor and the rest of the royal family when made their way past the tent flaps and came inside. They both knelt before the sight of the Emperor and his family, as a means of showing loyalty and respect.

"You may rise, men." Molt's voice boomed in the tent. "It's quite a surprise to see you back here so quickly. What is so urgent that you come back merely a day after you crossed through the GATE?"

Before either of them could respond, Zorzal interrupted them with an obnoxious laugh. "Clearly such overwhelming force was far too much for those barbarians on the other side of the GATE to handle. Please tell us, how quickly did you capture their capital? How many more slaves have you captured?"

Godasen stepped forward and cleared his throat. " Your majesty, while we do come back to report our progress, not all of what we have is good news." the expression of their faces changed dramatically when Godasen said that.

"Whatever you mean? how can there be any bad news when invading a peaceful world with only a few armies to defend itself?" Zorzal said as he laughed.

"I concur with my son, what problem have you run into? have the dragons run out of fodder? we can just send more thought within an hour."

"Your Majesty!" Tiberius stepped up and spoke." we've encountered far more resistance than we've thought possible."

"From who?"Pina scoffed. "Our scouts only reported but a small forces of iron people with staffs on the other side of the gate and surely they would have fallen to our legions in battle?"

"It's much more complicated than that. we've lost five entire legions, nearly all of our wyverns, and much of our best auxiliaries forces." After Tiberius speaks, the royal family was shocked when they heard about such losses.

"H-how is such a thing possible?" Norma Co Igloo sputtered out. even the veteran knight, Grey Co Aldo, went wide-eyed at hearing those words.

"This will take time to explain, I suggest you get comfortable because there is more to this new world than anything we could ever imagine," Godasen announced to the rest as this is about to get worse to hear about the new world that they are about to invade.

Gate: Thus the FIS comes there.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang