Chapter 15: Cleaning up

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Las Asteris, Kauradla 2

The grand park.

1310 hours

"This is Mr.Cracn back again in a news on the radio. today we have witnessed the defeat of these unknown primitive invaders, known as the Saderan Empire. this empire was said to come from the world beyond the gate, a white structure that has a portal in it. they are just a pre-industrial, barbaric human empire who pretend themselves as civilized people, with a bunch of slave army they have on their side.

These humans rape any pretty species that they found in their eyes, and kill anyone on their way, along with rabbling their stupid code of honor and how to fight them. well, it looks like those primitive did not know more the true nature of war itself. I guess the FIS in the end shows them the true meaning of it, that their stupid code is not applied in this war, as they are also known to be the most hypocritical people that we ever know.

because they say they wanted to bring civilization to this barbaric land, and prosperity. pfft, you hear that bullshit footage, that stupid legate has been saying? well, it looks like when you see every Saderan people, I mean army, you don't see any of them doing such civilized action and have such civilized manners, from all of those footage being seen. it looks like they are a bunch of primitives with lacking values, of what is civilized.

justification has been sent thanks to a veteran named Hucklin Huc. he seems to be the person who has been working so hard on gathering as many justifications as he could, in order for the FIS to destroy them. this justification has proven to be useful and a good remembrance of these primitives, that they are truly hypocrite about what they have been saying, just people with civilized style with barbaric attitude that they have. nothing more of who they truly are after all, with it, this footage is 100% real and can be replayed all over again.

Thanks to the FIS forces, who despite arriving late, due to an issue. they managed to help what's left of the people who fight here, along with the robots, despite civilians and few robots managed to hold them off as long as they could before support come, while other robots decided to secure the other part for some other reason.

Now with all of them are dead, our forces here will have to clean up all of the remaining dead bodies of those invaders, and anyone that died during the invasion of primitive forces on this planet. so dear listener i think its time for you to take your rest while the army does the rest." The radio announcer said as chilling music begin to play after the news.

Las Asteris is in a major clean-up place. as this is the same place that has the most Saderan presences of them all. like other neighboring cities of Las Asteris, it is going on cleaning up, with all of those corpses are just many in numbers. along with the destruction that is caused which is the damaged buildings as the FIS are continuing their clean up operation.

Things have changed, as there is a clean-up operation has been commenced. as bulldozers have to pile their entire corpses, and they have other plans to do with them. The dragon corpses seem to be kept like that and going to be further studied for a while, as the flame dragon is like the ultimate weapon of the Saderan Empire. as there is research going through since they have a pride that the weapon itself could destroy a nation in any falmartian standards.

The armed civilians in Kauradla 2 now can take a rest, with no more Saderan Empire forces that are about to outnumber them. they are all thankful to the FIS to kick their asses back to where they come from. so they all now could go home and take their well-deserved break, while the FIS will take care of the rest as the gate is 100% secured.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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