After the meeting a few people came up to Christina and I to check out the babies and introduce themselves. " Ni Hao I'm China but you can call me Yào" Christina smiled politely- and astonishingly. "Hello Yào it's very nice to meet you"
Yào looked at me with puppy dog eyes and held his hands out, "what?" He looked down at the babies and smiled, "Qǐng?" (Please) He grinned innocently. I hesitated for a moment before carefully handing him Joaquin, "please be gentle..." China held him carefully and stared at him with awe.
"What is his name?"
"Joaquin" Christina answered as more countries began to flock over to us.
"Joaquin is a fine Mexican name." Mexico approached us and looked at me with a smirk, "I'm shocked you agreed to it" I rolled my eyes and took Joaquin back from Yáo. "Actually it's not a Mexican name it's a Spanish name" Spain approached us and smiled at the babies, "but I agree it is a fine name"
"Oh hey Antonio, Christina this is Antonio-Spain and José- Mexico" Christina trembled and stared at them completely flabbergasted. "This is the greatest honor I've ever had in my life" Spain and Mexico grinned "why thank you-" Christina cut Antonio off.
"I grew up in Mexico as a little girl! Never in my life would I have expected to meet you face to face sir"
José laughed as Antonio stumbled back offended.
"Why. Muchas gracias Christina it's a pleasure to meet you as well" José gave me a thumbs up. "I like her" Antonio whimpered as he dramatically clutched his heart, "I've never been shot down that fast..."
"Oh I'm sorry Antonio...I didn't mean to hurt you" Christina frowned and sincerely apologized to him.
Antonio smiled and waved it off, "it's alright I feel much better now, but I would feel even better if I could perhaps hold one of those precious twins"
"Of course, this is Jessie she's a hair puller so watch out" Christina chuckled and gave her to Antonio.
"Awww Alfred she looks just like you"
"Let's hope she doesn't act like him too" Cuba grumbled. I actually kinda agree with him on that one. Allistor walked over with Lithuania who was cowering behind him since Russia was standing next to us as well. I don't know what goes on between Russia and the Baltic's but I know their scared shitless of him, then again I think everyone here is a little scared of Ivan. "Hey Chrissy long time no see" Allistor smiled and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
"Hello Allistor it's nice to see you again, who's that behind you?" Lithuania swallows hard and slowly came out from behind Allistor who lovingly put his arm around him. "This is my boyfriend Toris" I glanced over at Francis who just pretended not to be paying attention. "I'm not his boyfriend we're just casually dating right now...but it's nice to meet you I'm Toris the personification of Lithuania" Toris held out a shaky hand for Christina to shake. Christi took his hand and nodded, "it's nice to meet you too"
After a long few hours of introductions and passing our babies around, enough countries cleared out for Christina and I to finally take a breath and not worry too much about the twins. Kiku and Feliciano (Japan and Italy) were playing with them on the ground whilst Francis and I kept a close eye on them.
"So Christina tell us a little about yourself" Ludwig gave her a glass of water before passing one out to everyone else. "Oh um...well there's nothing much to tell...before I met Alfred I lived a pretty simple life, I grew up in Cabo Mexico and moved to America when I was about fourteen...then I went to school, focused on my education, and got a job as an elementary school teacher" I smiled at her softly and held her hand. Christina smiled back then sighed squeezing my hand back, "but then I got laid off so that was hard...but then I realized I was pregnant so...well that was even harder if I'm telling the truth but it wasn't all bad, once I told Alfred I was pregnant everything was fine and I was happy"
"Until you got sick..." Christina shook her head.
"No, even then I was still happy. I was worried about you and I was afraid of dying or loosing my babies but...I was happy Alfred because I knew there was a chance" Christina smiled at me and kissed my cheek.
Feliciano sniffled and held Jessie close, "that's so sweet...Jessie you have such amazing parents waah!" Feliciano sobbed and wiped his eyes. Ludwig sighed and took Jessie from him before he dropped her, "don't cry so much Italy, you'll upset the twins"
Christina chuckled and smiled at them.
"How about you guys, Alfred told me your all pretty close" Ludwig nodded and looked down at Jessie hiding a finger out to her to hold which she happily did. "Ja we're friends..." Feliciano giggled and hugged Ludwigs arm, "we're such good friends that Germany doesn't mind it anymore when I sleep with him naked!" Christina and Ludwigs' faces both turned bright red. "Oh...oh my" Christi giggled.
"N-no it's not like that! You sue Italy breaks into my house sometimes and I always find him in my bed- andhealwayssleepsnakedforsomedamnreason-" Germany continued to ramble on and Kiku looked at me and Christina with a small smile whilst he let Joaquin tug on his sleeve. "Their both in love...Germany is just shy about it and Italy is a little bit of an airhead but they'll work it out."
Christina smiled at him, "now about you Kiku? Do you have anyone special to you?" Kiku shook his head and looked down ah Joaquin, "no but if I'm lucky maybe one day I'll meet someone" Italy hugged Kiku from behind, "Aw that's okay Japan, Germany and I can love you together!" Kiku's face turned bright red as he struggled to get away from Italy, "no...I- no way I can't handle that" Feliciano chuckled and refused to let go of Kiku. I got up and took Joaquin from Kiku so he could defend himself which he quickly did once I had sat down, hitting Feliciano hard on the head. "Ow..." Italy let go and rubbed his head. Ludwig chuckled and gave Jessie back to Christina, "okay I think it's time to call it a day I'm sure everyone is tired and wants to go was great meeting you Christina and congratulations both of you on the engagement"
"Thank you Ludwig." I smiled at him and looked back at my babies. Ludwig grabbed Kiku and Feli dragging them out of the room and leaving us with Francis and Arthur.
"Well...I apologize I knew a few people would want to talk to you but I didn't expect everyone to trample you two and pass the twins around like that"
"It's okay, I'm happy I got to meet a bunch of people" Christina smiled and laid her head on my shoulder.
Arthur smiled at us and checked his watch, "oh we should probably get going...Finland and Sweden will be here soon and I still need to plan dinner"
Francis and I both felt our stomachs churn.
"I think you mean .I. Need to plan dinner mon amour" Francis laughed nervously and kissed his cheek. "Oh yes, I meant you I forgot I'm not allowed to cook in my own house" Arthur sighed and crossed his arms, "still we should get going" I nodded and helped Christina up before loading the twins into their stroller.

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