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~Alfred's POV~
"Alright everyone all though I said this was a mandatory meeting it seems that not everyone has shown up. But it's not like that hasn't happened before so I'll look the other way today in honor of our guests" Germany announced with an annoyed but sincere tone before gesturing to Christina and I carrying the twins. Everyone turned to look at us and immediately jaws started hitting the floor.
"Oh my god I thought America died" Romano stared at me wide eyed, I never pushy scratched my head and shot a glare at Francis. Francis cleared his throat and stood up, "let's try not to make this about the past okay? We still have an important meeting to do so we can swarm those two with questions later.
Everyone seemed to understand and back off (which is surprising-) which seemed to bring tears to Germany's eyes. "Thank you Francis I'm glad your finally getting serious about these kinds of things"
Francis rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair.
Christina took Jessie from me and whispered in my ear, "I saw a library just down the hall I'll wait for you there until your meeting is over" "are you sure?"
Christina nodded and kissed my cheek before leaving the meeting room. I don't like this at all I feel like as soon as the meetings over their going to swarm Christina or ask me a bunch of dumb questions. "Okay so let's run over our basic economic reports and then we can share what we all think is our biggest individual problem with our nations, the usual" Ludwig went first of course and I didn't really pay attention to everything he said but the basic rundown is that Germany is doing fine but there's a bunch of political nonsense happening as always. I leaned back in my chair and pulled my jacket tight around me as I still felt eyes peering into me like daggers. Matthew nudged me slightly and gave me a small smile, damn I didn't even notice he was here I would have thought he would stay home.
I don't know why but even though he's my brother...when we're at meetings I just completely gloss over him. I gave him a small smile back along with a tiny wave, Matthew hugged his little bear thing and went back to focusing on the meeting. Alright this is off topic but why don't always forget he has that thing? I mean it's cute but it freaks me out when it starts talking. "America? Are you okay?"
Japan tapped the desk to get my attention, shit I spaced out that's why Matt smiled at me! "Oh I'm yeah I'm fine...sorry is it my turn?" Ludwig nodded.
"Oh well you know the new president is...well he hasn't exactly done anything yet besides conferences so there isn't much to say on politics right now. My economy is still about the same as it has been since then 2000's But it gets lower every year...overall I'd say I'm not great but I'm not on the brink of war so everything's okay" Damn that totally sounded like I was talking about myself..."well that's good to hear, okay next is Russia-" Ludwig skipped over Matthew so I cleared my throat and gestured to Matt, "actually it's Canada's turn" Ludwig looked confused for a moment before realizing his mistake, "oh Canada I'm so sorry please give your report" Matt smiled and hugged Kumajiro tight as he began his report until Romano cut him off. "Are we really not gonna talk about the elephant in the room?" Roman stared at me like I was a car crash he couldn't take his eyes off of. "No we're not. Not during a meeting. We can talk about it afterwards" Ludwig quickly shut Romano down and signaled for Matthew to continue, but as fate would have it for poor Matthew there was a small knock on the door before it creaked open and allowed Christina to walk in holding Joaquin and Jessie who were bawling madly. "I'm so sorry...Alfred can you please help me I can't get them to calm down" all eyes were on Christina and the twins this time which makes me even more uncomfortable then having all eyes on me. "Yeah of course give them to me" I stood up and took the twins from her and tried my best to comfort them but apparently it was unnecessary since they calmed down as soon as I held them. Christina smiled and giggled, "I think they just wanted their Daddy" a wave of awes slapped me in the back of the head like a rip tide as all eyes were on me again.
"Oh my that is so cute! America's children are so precious" China swooned and held his face like an embarrassed teenage girl. "I agree their so adorable" Lithuania smiled kindly at them. Ludwig cleared his throat and covered his mouth in an attempt to hide his pink cheeks, "Ja I agree they are cute...they can stay through the rest of the meeting if they need their father" Dear god I've only ever seen Ludwig like this around dogs. Christina chuckled at the situation which put a smile on my fave- because come on she's adorable. "Here Bella you can have my chair next to Alfred ve~" Italy stood up and pulled his chair out for Christina, I swear if I didn't know Feliciano was head over heals for Ludwig I'd accuse him of flirting.
"Thank you very much, I'm sorry for interrupting your meeting" Christina smiled sheepishly and sat down at the table, I sat next to her with the twins and gave her a small reassuring smile.
"It's okay nothing important was being said" Russia cooed causing Matt's forehead to hit the table from frustration.

I'm sorry...~AmericaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя