Freak / Tokyo Ghoul AU

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It was busy evening for Midoriya. He recently lost his job by Mineta since he sabatage his chance to enter so that he can get hot woman for having a job. Midoriya wasn't pissed at him nor was he mad in general. He was just sad.

He was walking down the ally way to his house. While walking, he starts to rememeber Tsuyu to make him feel a bit better. He remember Tsuyu from her bow she had at the end of her long hair, the way she sticks her tougue out when she is happy or embarassed and how she keep a cute yet emotionaless face.

He remembers how nice she can be. How she would show him differnet animals and teaching him about them to even a care for him when he lost his mom and dad to a car accident back when he and her were in high school.

Midoriya started to feel happy remembering his wide in there youth. Midoriya checks google maps to find his house. His house was pretty far so he went to a ally way to kill time with a shotgun. On his way however, he hears a woman begging for help.

Midoroya peaks behind a corner and listens to the woman's conversation. "Now now pretty, I don't want anyone to hear your beautifu, voice." The man sudected the women. Midoriya started to get pisses and hungry. He remembers that man as a serial killer. 

He went over to the guy and pushed him away from the woman. "Go." Midoriya told the woman. She grabed her bag and run away from the ally ways while Midoriya and the man were face to face. "She was mine!" The guy complained.

"You should not just get a innocent girl to have fun with!" Midoriya yelled in anger. Suddenly, a tenticle like thig stabbed Midoriya in the knee. It was comming from the man. When Midoriya looked at the man again, his eyes were black with red pupils.

"That was my prey. Now, your my prey!" He shouted. Midoriya let out a chucked and smiled at him. "I you sure about that." Midoriya then sends out a scorpian like tenticole from his back and pierce the guy in the stomack. Midroiya eyes were now balck with red pupils just like the man.

"You killed so many innocent people just for pleasure. Your making all ghouls look like monster. You will pay. I will eat you." Midoriya warned him in a anger tone.

"YOU GHOUL BASTARD!" The guy summoned his kagune and charge toward Midoriya. Midoriya easily doge his kagune. Midoriya kick his dick before giving him a kick to the head. This send him flying into the wall of the ally ways.

"Welp that jsut happen, tume to bring him to Tsu." Midoriya went to grab the body but was stabbed by the guy by his Kagune. "Gees, when you use your kagune for defense insted of just stabbing." Midoriya complained.

Tne guy got even more pissed and tossed him to the wall making a crack. The guy pinned Midoriya down making him unable to get up. "Ok are you going to have sex with me because of your stance." Midoriya joked.

"Enough!" The guy was about to kill Midoriya untile a frog toungue like kagune pierced the man heard and killed him. Midoriya got up to see who the kagune was from. It was from Tsuyu and she looked pissed. She also had the black with red pupil eyes just like Midoriya but her kagune looks like a frog tougue.

"Ok ok, I know your mad but I was the guy that-" Midoriya franticly explained everything before getting a massive hug from Tsuyu. "Izuku I so was worried, ribbit." Tsuyu exclaimed. "Shh, it's ok beautiful. Im safe." Midoriya said while stroking her hair.

"Hey at least we have a meal." Midoriya reasured her. Midoriya picked up the the dead body and offered Tsuyu to eat with him. She gave a smile and agreed since she was hungry.  They both devore the man while having a convesation about other ghouls, Midoriya work and other stuff.

While eating, Tsuyu asked Midoriya "Midoriya, do you love me, ribbit?" Midoriya gave a blush and shyly responded. "Y-y-yeah, I d-do." Tsuyu let out a little giggle then asked her biggest question to him "I was thinking, we have been together for so long. Before, I was just a ghoul that cant have an friends. People think all ghouls are freaks and nver want to have friends with a ghoul.

The time I met you, my life became more amazing. When ever your here near me, you always make me smile even when I am in my lowest lows. So... will you be... my husband, ribbit?" Asked him.

Midoroya was in shocked. He thought he will be the one to confess but he completly throw that out the window. Midoriya didn't have to think the answer since he already knows what to say. " I will."

Tsuyu gave a smile then bite on the shoulder of Midoriya as a sign of there marriage. Midoriya does the same to her, giving her a bote mark on her neck as a symbol of love. Once done giving a gouls version of an engagement, they both continued eating.

"You know Tsuyu, even though your a ghoul like me. That does not mean you are a freak, your accutually very beautiful. People just look at teh surface."

"Thank you, ribbit."

I hope you enjoy this chapter now have this gift for reading this chapter, and yes this my original art work:

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