Code name: Frog / Persona 5 AU

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Just to be clear, I will make muscular a part of U.A as a staff member for this A.U. If you have any problems with it, deal with the story's shit ok 😂 👍

People are not perfect. They are flawless if one wishes to continue in a path of distortion in one's heart and soul. Those who oppose fate and desire to change someone's heart, are known as tricksters. We follow a story of a person who became a trickster themselves.

U.A, one of the place that have been experiencing mental shutdowns to all people of all ages. Teenagers to children, to adults and even the elderly. No one know who or what cost them to happen, but I do know people can change.

"Deku, are you mumbling again?" Uraraka poke him. "Ahh sorry, I was just thinking about the mental shutdowns, not even quirks can solve it." Midoriya responded. "I guess, anyway. The calling card is ready for Muscular." Uraraka told him.

"Right, let go to the cafeteria, did you tell bakugou and Iida about today too." Midoriya ask. "Yeah let's go." Uraraka responded. The two headed out to the cafeteria but someone was hearing there conversation.

"ribbit." Tsuyu whispered. "Izuku has been focused, on a group already. What is he doing?" Tsuyu decided to follow the two through the cafeteria. "I hope Izuku isn't doing something bad." 

Once there, Tsuyu sit in a near by table and listen in to there conversation. "Alright, I made the stupid calling. Four eyes didn't help me." Bakugou said. "You just put on the design, I did the paragraph. As your class presid-" Iida was about to ramble until he was cut of by bakugou.

"ALRIGHT, WE GET IT!" Bakugou shouted. "I will give the calling card." Uraraka got the calling card then walked over to the office of the teachers. Once she sneak behind the teachers back and made it in the office with out anyone knowing. She slip the calling card to his notebook.

"Muscular." The name of the ugly blond mother fucker made Tsuyu scared. "What have you become, ribbit."


"Muscular what are do do- Ahh!" Tsuyu was pushed against the wall of the school. She was brused and scared with blood dripping from neck. Muscular was pinning her against the wall of the school. "I'm doing nothing wrong, you just did something to me! So, this is your punishment."

"Muscular stop this, I will tell the teacher." Tsuyu said but was cut of by Muscular taking of Tsuyu's and his shirt. "Who would believe it though?" before doing... something.

Flashback end

"that damn son of a-" When Tsuyu was about to finish her sentence until the school bell rang meaning lunch was over. She quickly got up and went back to her classroom. "Hey Tsu, you want to go together." Midoriya asked her, completely caught her of guard.

Once, she recognize his face, she gave him a quick peck on the check and hold his hand. "I would like that, ribbit." Then the two walk to class. Muscular was watching them from behind having a 'I will kill that bitch look'

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