21. Envious

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"That faint voice of yours that grazed me
Please call my name one more time
I’m standing still under the frozen light, but
I will walk towards you, step by step"
Third person POV:
Taekook's part:

As kook dragged taehyung all the way to lift, the younger just kept staring at their interwined hands....heart beating fast and cheeks burning hot.

"Ju- Jung-kook leave my hand I can walk" he stuttered Taehyung not now...don't stutter u dumbhead "Not gonna happen Petal" kook smirked turning behind and then walking again...his lips having a mischevious smile.

They reached the lift. This time the employes did saw the duo walking hand in hand...but they thought it might be due to them being frnds. Entering the lift kook pressed on the ground floor icon...and the lift started going down.

Tae was trying to remove his hand from the grip but the elder is not letting him...on top of that he is tightening it.

"Ahh...it hurts, it hurts" tae winced and the next moment jungkook let go off his hand checking if he left a bruise unknowingly "I am sorry Muffin...I didn't me-" he was about to complete the sentence when he saw tae retracting his hand back and hiding inside his pockets a victorious smile on his lips.

"You did it on purpose I see...but don't worry muffin as now u will be living with my pretty and uncle min, I have alot of chances to do that again" jungkook said while leaning towards tae...his face being too close to the younger who gulped.                                                         

"Don- Don't call me that" tae replied.

"Call what buttercup?" kook leaned more forward making tae stumble back and hit his back with the lift..."Those nicknames...don't call me that...I have a na-me" he stuttered again Damn this mouth

"Ohh that...okay I will not" "Muffin" he replied getting too close to taehyung's dismay that his both hands automatically made their way to his face covering it.

Jungkook chuckled seeing his reaction, he leaned back and stood staright "Don't worry Muffin I will not kiss u without ur permission" he replied smiling.

Tae opened his eyes to see the cherry standing back at his position. Think straight kim taehyung...why u need to embarrass urself like this...but wait "U kissed me without my persmission before tho" well these words were supposed to be in his brain but he thought pretty loud which made him cover his mouth quickly.

"Ohh really...then be ready next time" kook raised an eyebrow smirking and as the lift arrived below they got out not before the cherry winking towards the younger though.

Taehyung practically ran out of the lift...heading out of building. While Jungkook went in parking lot to get his car. Soon after 5 minutes a black Mercedes Benz stopped in front of tae.

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