Eight: Management

Start from the beginning


We are sitting in a huge room with a big table and nobody is saying anything. Niall is on my right and is still holding my hand while Zayn sits to my left and the rest of the boys beyond him. I look up to the front of the table to see Simon Cowell come in and sit down.

"Good morning boys!" Simon says.

"Good morning uncle Simon." They chorus back.

"And you must be her. Not the only girl to ever cry at a concert. But the only girl that did for a reason other than being there, I presume?" Simon asks.

"Yeah I'm Lana.... And yeah. I do have a reason." I look at Niall who gives Simon a serious look.

Simon reads Niall's face and backs off a bit.

"So what do we tell the fans Niall?" Simon asks.

Niall turns to me. "Shit..." He mutters.

He turns away sadly. "Tell them she's just a friend. Someone who needed friends. And now has 5 best friends." He says. Then he turns to me again. "For now." He adds winking.

I smile a little not knowing what Niall means, but letting it go.

Niall turns back to Simon. "Something is going to come of this. I'm just preparing you now." He tells him.

"Why? Sorry sweetheart, but what makes you so special to these boys? Boys?" Simon asks them.

None of them answer straight away.

"Simon you know how sad I was when I split with Danielle. Lana makes all the sadness go away." Liam says.

"She makes me laugh, smile and cry." Harry says.

"She's strong willed and independent. It makes her a positive person." Louis says.

Simon nods. Taking in the answers. "Zayn?" He asks.

"She made me realize that I should quit smoking. And I did. I threw my last pack out this morning." He says.

Simon looks at me and smiles. "On that note you are free to be with the boys whenever you want! Zayn's own girlfriend can't even get him to stop smoking!"

"YAYY!" The boys cheer.

I make eye contact with Simon. "Thank you." I mouth to him.

He nods and the boys lead me from the room and back out to where Paul is waiting.

"You boys have 2 weeks until your next show. No rehearsals until then. What do you want to do?" Paul asks them.

I think for a second then get an idea. "You guys wanna stay at my house? The fans won't know where we are, and it will be a little quieter." I say.

I feel five pairs of eyes on me.

"What? It was just an idea!" I say.

"Really Lana? You want us to do that?" Niall asks.

I look him in the eyes.

"Yeah, I mean it will give you guys a break from the chaos and it will give me time to get to know you all better." I say.


And we all celebrate.

Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into.


Harry's P. O. V.

Paul brought us back to our hotel and we all packed some clothes for our little field trip to Lana's house. Now we were all meeting back at Madison Square Garden, Lana had to get her car but we were having another security guard drive it behind us to here house. Some fans might recognize Lana already.

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