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Fortunately, he opened his eyes on the third day...

I was sitting beside him, as usual,  holding his cold hands tightly, trying to warm them up. That was when I felt movement under my grip.

"Namjoon? Are you waking up?" I asked getting closer to his face. There was some movement like him scrunching his eyes.

"Y/n-" he spoke as soon as he opened his eyes enough to look around but choked.

"Yes, I'm here. Are you feeling okay?" I asked but got no response. He was just staring at me with those weak eyes. Just like the first day but he looked so sad and tired.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound which was coming towards us. I looked towards the door and found a bunch of nurses and a doctor along with mom rushing inside the room the check Namjoon.

"Mr Kim, how are you feeling right now?" The doctor asked examining his pulses.

Namjoon didn't respond but only gave a tiny nod. The doctor continued to examine him and asked him several questions like if he was hurting or not. Once he was done he left the room leaving me, Namjoon and my mom alone in the room.

"Mr Kim, you have to stay here for two more days and run a few tests. We'll take you back after that." Mom smiled at him.

"Take me back home? Or back to that hell hole?" He asked in a rude tone and turned to lay on the other side.

"There's a good news as well. I'm instructed to make Y/n your caretaker again." Mom announced.

"Really?" Namjoon asked in an uninterested way but we all knew he was curious and happy.

"Yes. And Y/n will be here with you at the hospital as well. Just like she has been this whole time." She smiled.

"Well, that's nice." Namjoon said sitting up but still trying to sound uninterested.

"I'll leave you two alone now. Y/n take good care of Namjoon from now, understand?" She asked with a smile to which I nodded and then she left.

"Why did you do this?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"I needed to talk to you." He replied immediately.

"What?" I asked surprised. "What do you mean?"

"We need to run." He suggested, getting straight to point.

"What? Why?"

"If we go back there, we'll never be able to get out. They will always be on a lookout for me." He explained.

"So what? You need all that extra attention! I don't want to see you hurt again!" I argued.

"That's not the point! We need to escape this place!"

"But why?" I asked as none of this was making sense.

"You know I haven't done anything. Don't you think I should protect what's being taken away from me?" He explained. "We also need to punish the actual culprit."

"But how?" I asked.

"We have two days. Once I'm out of here, it's over."

"So what are we gonna do?"

"At midnight, we run."

There was a moment of silence. I wasn't sure if it was okay. This was too big. Escaping with a patient from the hospital while I'm a doctor. The idea itself terrified me. But at the same time, Namjoon's words felt right. He didn't do anything but took all the blame. And the real culprit, the man I work for, a criminal, is on the run.

"You know it Y/n. You believe me right?" He asked.

"But what are we gonna do after we're out?" I asked, still not sure of his entire plan.

"I have it all planned out. I know a place where no one will be able to find us. I have it all under control. All you have to do is believe in me and say yes." He explained.

"Are you sure this will work out?" I asked.

"I have it all under control." He repeated.

"Fine." I sighed.

He let out a sweet smile. This was the second time I had seen him truly smile. The view of his dimples melted my heart.

But little did I know, I was giving in to my worse nightmares. I was going towards my own destruction. I didn't know that I had trusted the wrong person. I could never imagine what was going to happen next.

Hope you're enjoying.
I noticed recently that I have a way with writing. Like I always use a word or a sentence way too much. And I feel like it makes my stories boring. What do you think? How do you think I can improve my writing?
Well thanks for reading xD

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