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That night I decided not to report anything to mom like usual. Instead, I told her I wasn't feeling that great so Mrs Lu had to take care of everything.

I went up to my room that night and did my research about the whole incident of how a young man in his 20's slaughtered his parents to death. And after all the hard work I did all night, I came up with a hypothesis which seemed more accurate and verifiable.

According to the report, I found out that, that night, Namjoon's father, an active alcoholic, came home drunk and had a quarrel with his wife. The same quarrel led to the death of Namjoon's mother and it was a complete accident. But when Namjoon stepped in, he couldn't handle the fact and killed his father by pushing him off of the second floor of their house and also shot him in the head.

But the fact that Namjoon owned a gun and even used that to kill his father but no one heard a single noise was very unsettling. So the next day, I decided to confront Namjoon and ask him what had really happened that night.

"I was with my friends that night. We were celebrating my friend's birthday so I went home a little later than usual. But when I stepped in, I found my mother lying in a pool of blood while my father stood with a broken beer bottle in his hand" He said with a shaky voice.

"He was so drunk that night that he tried to kill me as well but I accidentally pushed him off from the the second floor. I was scared so I ran away." He ended.

"I find it very hard to believe that a drop from a two storied house was enough to kill him." I said, purposefully omitting the part of a gun being used so that I knew he wasn't lying.

"I don't know what happened next. I crashed at a friend's house that night. But when I woke up the next day, I was immediately arrested. I was locked in jail until my uncle saved me but only to trap me in here." He continued.

"Why would he do that?" I asked.

"All the money and property which was under my name, he wants it all. And for that he needs to get rid of me." He said sadly. "My uncle is the owner of the hospital, a perfect cage to trap me in."

I looked at down at our hands which were intertwined tightly the entire time.

"Y/n? Dear, your shift is over so go home now. I'll take care of the rest!" Mrs Lu peeked from the little creek in the door. I nodded at her and stood up.

"I promise I'll help you. You won't stay here for long." I promised.

"How?" He asked.

"Trust me. Good night Namjoon." I said and got out of the room and eventually out of the hospital as well.

"Mom there's something I need to ask you." I began while we were still on our way back home.

"What is it?" Mom asked, keeping her focus on the road ahead.

"Did you know about Namjoon?"

"What do you mean? Of course I know about him." She joked.

"I didn't mean that. I meant his whole story. Why he's there in the hospital. Why he killed his parents. Why is he help captive there." My words tore mom's gaze from the road to my direction. She stayed silent for a while but continued.

"Did he tell you something?"

And so I told her. The whole thing. From the night of the accident to were he was now. She listened without asking questions. Her face remained emotionlessly as she drove us home quietly. The roaring engine stopped at the end of my story.

"Did you make this all up? Or did he tell you the whole thing?" She asked finally turning all her attention to me.

"He told me everything." I said.

"And you believe him?" I nodded to her question. We remained silent for a another 2 minutes.

"I'm withdrawing you from the position of Namjoon's caretaker. This is getting out of hand." She mumbled as she took off her seatbelt and exited the car.

"What? You can't do that! If has to be me! I have to be with him, I promised him!" I faught as I exited the car as well, following her inside the house.

"Hello? Is this Mr Kim?" She spoke on the phone, "I'd like to withdraw my daughter, Jung Y/n from from your nephew's case."

"Mom no!" I tried to stop her but she had already decided

"That's it Y/n. I know you care about Namjoon and you're worried for him. But I can't let you get hurt because of him." She said in a soft voice, holding my face and looking worried.

"Why would I get hurt? I'm the only one he never hurts and I'm the only one to whom he ever opens up to! Do you think he'll get better if I'm not there?" I argued.

"We'll find a way-"

"You always think about yourself! You never gave me the attention I needed! But now that I finally have it, you took it away!" I cried, removing her hands away from my face and stomped up angrily to my room.

AUTHOR-NIM ISN'T DEAD SHE FORGOT SHE HAD A STORY TO WRITE! There are just so many things going on in life it was just hectic😀 but I opened wattpad for so long and I HAD 34 NOTIFICATIONS? AM I FAMOUS NOW?
Anyway thanks for that, I'll update more regularly from now on🤭

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