3. Observation

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Stiles arrived at the hospital and told the receptionist that he came for a checkup. The woman behind the desk said that he could wait for the nurse in the waiting room. After a few minutes a woman walked towards Stiles and appears that his nurse for today was Melissa, Scott's mother.

"Hey Stiles, I heard you came for a check up?", Melissa said.

"Hi, yes that's right."

They walked to a room and Melissa started asking questions.

"So tell me why are you here, Stiles?"
"Well, I fainted at school, so the school nurse thought it would be a good idea to come here for a check up."

"Mmm okay. I heard from Scott that you don't eat much. Is that true?"

"I eat just as much as I always do. Maybe I just wasn't hungry that day.

Melissa still had the idea that something was going on, so she kept asking questions.

"Do you have much energy or are you often tired?"
"I am often tired lately, yes."

"Well okay. I'm gonna take some of your blood now and I want you to stay here for the next 48 hours for observation. Just to make sure that there's nothing serious going on with you."

Melissa took some of Stiles' blood and called Noah if he could come over, so she could inform him about the situation. Noah came as fast as he can when he heard the news about what happened with Stiles at school today.

"Hey Noah, I'm glad that you could come over. As I just told you, Stiles fainted in school and the school nurse thought it would be a good idea if he came here for a check up, so he did. I heard that you and Stiles friends are also a little worried about him and he told me he is often tired lately, so that's why I decided to keep him here for 48 hours for observation, if that's okay with you."

"I know Stiles won't like it but I'm glad someone takes action, because I didn't know what to do anymore to help him."

"He's in good hands here, so everything will be okay."

"I see you in two days kiddo. I love you."

"I love you too dad."

With these last words Stiles watched how his dad walked out of the hospital and Melissa took him to his room where he would be staying for the next two days.

"Well Stiles, you can lie here in bed and watch some TV if you want, or you can get some sleep. I will check on you once in a while and tonight I will bring you dinner, okay?


Stiles lied down, hoping that the 48 hours would be over soon.

"Are you lying comfortable?"

"Yes, everything is okay, thank you."

"No problem sweetie."

It was a two hours later and Melissa came to check on Stiles. When she opened the door she saw that Stiles was asleep. Even tho she felt to wake him up she did it anyway, because she had to know how he was doing and it's been a while since he had eaten something.

"Hey Stiles, wake up", Melissa said quietly." She had to repeat it a few times before Stiles finally woke up.

"Is everything alright Stiles? How are you feeling?"

"Yes, everything is fine. I'm feeling better now." Or at least as good as he could feel, because he actually never felt 100% good.

"That's good to hear. Here I got something to eat for you."

"Oh thank you, but I'm not very hungry."

Melissa was kinda suspicious at his answer, mostly because of what she had heard from Scott and what Stiles' father had said on the phone about Stiles and his behaviour. So while she had an idea of what could be going on with Stiles, she decided to not do anything about it yet and wait until it would happen more often in these 48 hours.

"Mmm, wel okay. I will leave it here on the side table for you, so if you want to eat something later, you can eat that.

When Melissa was gone Stiles was alone in his silent room again. He looked at the food and pushed it a little bit further away from him. Even looking at it made him feel sick to his stomach. He couldn't sleep anymore, so he decided to watch some TV. There was nothing more he could do here anyway.

It was a couple of hours later. Melissa was busy with another patient so she sent another nurse to check up on Stiles and give him something to eat again.

"Hey Stiles, I have something to eat for you. Sorry it took a little bit longer, you must be hungry", the nurse said while walking into Stiles room. But the moment she said that she noticed the still full plate on the bedside table.

"Oh you haven't finished your other meal?"
"No I already told Melissa I'm not hungry", Stiles responded.

"But Stiles you need to eat something, otherwise you'll be very weak. I assume that you don't want to faint again, do you?"

Stiles didn't want any trouble and anymore people telling him what to do so he decided to give in.

"No you're right. I will eat.

It was not easy for Stiles to eat two plates of gross hospital food when he hasn't eaten a lot in the last couple of weeks. At the beginning he was so hungry and got these horrible stomach aches when he didn't eat, but now he's kinda used to it and the stomach aches don't really bother him that much anymore.

Stiles was just about to search for a nurse when Melissa walked into his room.
"Hey Stiles, I'm sorry I couldn't check on you earlier but there was an emergency, but I see you have eaten all your food. That's some progress."
"It's no problem", Stiles said, "And yes I ate everything. I was just on my way to ask you if I could use the bathroom?"
"Yes of course you can sweetie."
"Okay thank you. I'll be right back."
With these words Stiles hurried to the bathroom. He sat down on his knees and stuck his finger down his throat. it was only a few minutes ago that he had eaten the food, but for Stiles those few minutes were already to long and he needed to get the food out of his body.
Stiles hold the toilet seat tight and threw up with all the power he got until there was nothing left in his stomach. Stiles sat down and leaned against the door and tried to get some energy back, which he lost because of throwing up.

Melissa has followed Stiles to the bathroom and what she thought was going to happen was true. She waited outside of the bathroom and heard Stiles throwing up.

The 48 hours were over and NOah came to pick Stiles up form the hospital.

"Okay Stiles, the 48 hours are over, so you can go home now."

"Thank you Melissa." And then turning to his dad Stiles said: "See dad, everything is fine. I'm waiting for you in the car, okay?"

Stiles was gone and Melissa saw this as an opportunity to talk to Noah.
"I just wanted to say that for now everything is indeed fine, but you need to keep an eye on Stiles. Especially when it comes to eating. If anything happens let me know okay?"

"I will", Noah said, "Thank you for your help Melissa.

Melissa decided not to tell what happened in the bathroom the day before and also decided not to tell anyone yet about what she thinks is going on. She's pretty sure, but it could also be that Stiles just wasn't feeling well and didn't throw up on purpose.

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