Chapter 4

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Hellooooo Lunas and Alphas!!


I thought of doing a Aaron's P.O.V. 

So, I today uploaded the cast. I thought they would suit the character best. 

So here is the chapter! ENJOYY!!


Aaron P.O.V

I dunno why, but I was excited for these girls to come. I am never excited about a girl! Even Blake (The Royal Beta) and my wolf Astrid felt the same way. Hmmm.

The alpha of the Bloodmoon pack called two days ago to tell that their daughter needed protection. I, of course, accepted!

Now here I am waiting for them to step out of the car. The car doors opened. Suddenly, I smelt the most wonderful smell ever smelt.

My wolf was going mad! Suddenly, he said a word I had been waiting for him to say for years!


Oh! My! Gosh! Even Blake's mate was here! How fortunately I had accepted them to come stay here!

Then I saw the most beautiful girl step out of the car. She could go to miss universe competition and still win. She had enchanting blue eyes, beautiful dirty blond hair and plump lips. She was BEAUTIFUL!!

Wait wait wait! Is she our mate??? She turns 18 tomorrow. Until then I should not touch her. Ya a good idea. Maybe she cant smell since she hasn't turned 18 yet!! Oh god I do hope so!

The two girls stepped out of the car and looked at the mansion. While the other girl gawked at it, she had a neutral calculating emotion.

But once she saw me, she too started gaping, likewise the other one to Blake. My mates name as per her father was Aella and her friend Emily. It seems they were best friends.

The girl interlaced her hand onto Aella's arms, and Aella with a stiff posture came forward to shake my hand. Maybe she wont feel sparks. Lets try.

"I am Aella, the daughter of the Alpha of the Bloodmoon pack, King Alpha. This is Emily, the daughter of the Beta of the Bloodmoon Pack. And my best friend. Thank you for taking us in" She told in an angelic voice. Wow, she couldn't have been more perfect!

I shook her hand checking if she felt anything. Thank god she didn't.

"No need to thank me and please just call me Aaron."

I had to make sure she wouldn't use any formalities now, so that when she finds me as her mate, she wont go around calling me 'Alpha!'

She nodded her head and said "Ok Aaron." When she told my name a shiver went down my spine, thank god she didn't notice.

I turned my head to see the other two of them shaking each others hands looking at each other starstruck. Shaking my head I invite them inside.

They take in the mansion and followed.

I thought it would be better to show them their rooms first so that they could refresh themselves in time for dinner.

"Ok so this is your room Aella. Go inside and check it out." I tell her ushering her inside.

Next I showed Emily her room.

After they both had gone inside, I go to my office along with Blake trailing behind me.

"So, what shall we do?" Blake asked.

"I dunno man... Like we cant tell them yet. Maybe we can wait till tomorrow as its their birthday, they themselves can get to know."

"Ya, that will be the best option right know."


Aella's P.O.V

Wow this room was huge! The whole room was a combination of dark maroon and black.

There were 3 walls. And the 4th wall was glass. Like you couldn't open it but the whole wall was just glass which flooded light into the room.

There were 2 more doors which I assumed was the bathroom and closet.

I unpacked and sat on the bed tiredly after finishing. I decided to take a shower.

After coming out of the shower, I picked some high waisted shorts, and a tank top. Then, I went to Emily's room.

She also had showered and changed. By that time it was time for dinner so we decided to go downstairs.

We went to the pack house and into the dining room. Me and Em looked at each other and smirked. With our head held high, we banged open the doors to the dining room making all head turn which made me smirk even wider. We interlaced our hands and went to sit by the table where Blake and Aaron were. The whispers started.

Then a girl with itty bitty clothes came and sat in the place reserved for the Luna. I watched it with slightly lifted eyebrows. Like really! Does she think that because she dresses like that, he will make her the luna?? Ha! She wish!!

Waittt!!!! Why am I feeling jealous?? I shrugged it off and saw the Aaron growl loudly and that girl for sitting there. She bowed her head and stood up and asked what was wrong. Like really? With her here itself is wrong enough.

Aaron told some colourful words and she scampered off. He suddenly stood up making everyone go quiet.

"Here, this is Aella and Emily. They will be staying here for a month's time at the least. Make them feel welcome." He told and sat back down.

Me and Em stood up and waved which in turn made others smile and wave back.

Soon the food came and everyone dug in. I was filled and so was Em so we stood up and bid goodnight to others and made our way to our rooms.

"Did you see that girl. Like eeewww! Who even wears clothes like that?"Em asked

I nodded. " Ya. But who are we to judge, she may feel insecure or not enough." I say shrugging, even though i had judged her out of jealousy earlier. "Now come on lets sleep."

(A/N : I don't like people judging someone based on what they wear. Like for example that girl, she may be insecure or feel like she's not enough. It's their body, their wish.)

We bid our goodnights and went to our rooms.

I dressed into my night clothes and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out with one thought in my mind. "Tomorrow is my birthday."


Hellooo loveliesss!!!!! *A phoenix flies above with her on top*

I really dont like people judging someone else based on how they loookkkkk. 

Anyways, What will happen tomorrow? 

How do they react when they find out their mates are THE ROYAL MEMBERS?

Will she trust him with her secrets?

What will happpennn???

Get to know the answers tomorrow!!!


Thank you!

- Your Author 

*Phoenix burns the place to ash, nods its head in satisfaction,  roars and takes off* 

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