Taehyung was sulking so bad.  

Jungkook sighs, he is back to his room after the walk to the fields and lays on his back on the bed, eyes on ceiling. He closes his eyes. Honestly, he had a frustating day-- he saw Taehyung but they didn't talk, at least he was around, his presence was enough. But no--

He is dying to see him up close, to talk to him. The whole day he have to act like he is invested in talking to the princess-- she is good, they had good time talking, but the whole day with her is too much, Taehyung wasn't beside him and his mere absence made Jungkook restless. He wants Taehyung. And he is sulking too.

He have to be there at the dinner-- he'll see Taehyung and that thought made him smile, he immediately get the change of clothes and when the guard knocked informing him that it's time for dinner, Jungkook waste no time to reach the dining hall.

The king, the queen, and the princess were already there waiting for him in their grand dinning hall. He bows once reaching at the table, and a server pulls a chair for him beside the princess.

His eyes search for Taehyung but he isn't in the hall. A wave of disappointment washes over his face, and he unconsciously pouts-- a habit he got from Taehyung.

"Are you alright Jungkookie?" his mother asks frowning when she sees him sulk. The king eyes him and the princess too.

"Ah! Yeah! I am fine." he shrugs faking a smile.

"I've heard you eat in your room, it's okay if you want to have your dinner there." the princess says. Jungkook looks at her mother, who nods.

"Yeah, I told her. After all she must know your habits before the marriage." the queen says.

Jungkook touched the side of his inner cheek-- his mother is soo desperate to have a daughter-in- law.

"It's her first day here Jungkook, eat with us today." Jungkook bows his head when the king says that.

"I am fine, I'll eat with you all." he replies, he's happy that the princess understood.

"Princee Joohyun, I specially asked our head chef to cook Pangjin's famous curry for you, taste it." queen Hana flashes a bright smile at her.

"Thank you, her highness." she nods politely and they all eats, clattering noise of the spoons and chopsticks filled the room.

"You liked the flower fields?" the queen says to keep up the conversation.

"Of course, her highness they are extremely beautiful."

"Most of them are being recently planted including the tulip one and some of them are empty." the king says.

"Nonetheless, the existing one are beautiful dear majesty." she replies, the sweet smile never leaving her face.

"Or I'll say, it's more about the company that makes them beautiful." Queen Hana teases. She chuckles.

"I agree on that her highness, prince Jungkook is really a good company." she utters dropping a look at his side to the prince and Jungkook looks at the mention of his name, he was not paying attention to the conversation his mind is diverted towards Taehyung's whereabouts.

Jungkook again fakes a smile. He was mindlessly picking up on his food. He is not interested in eating.

"Jungkook?" the queen calls him.


"Have you decided what place you are going to show to princess Joohyun after the gift distribution?" she asks.

"Not yet omma." he replies, he don't want go out with the princess. He's ready to give her a little time, but the whole day without Taehyung-- No.

"It's new year celebration tomorrow, we'll be handing over presents to our people like we always do, why don't you join us princess Joohyun? After that you both can visit the market, it's well decorated and joyous at the new year." she suggests.

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