Ch 1:Gathering strength

Start from the beginning

-Agility Enhancement-

-Stamina Enhancement-

-Combat experience-

-Master tactician and strategy-

Note:The date is six months before the events of  RWBY. So strengthen your forces and good luck.

He was impressed, he was able to get this much from God. Good thing though since this world has a huge amount of people that has these attributes. But the thing is how will fair when he meets one face to

The notification of the date is what got to him the most. It's only six months before the events of the first episode of RWBY. His face turned sour seeing this. He already knows there's gonna be a lot of bad things that will happen in the future, he knows of The Fall of Beacon, the attack on haven. And attacks on Atlas. Along with Cinder and her master Salem with the rest of their goons that are with them and what they will do to these kingdoms, and who will be killed . And now he'll be living in those events.

Unless he intervenes, God sent him here to prevent these events from happening. He can stop the attack of Beacon and the death of Pyrrha and Penny, maybe even find a way to stop Salem along the way. After all, He has the strength and speed of a demigod and the power to summon Armies from his modern world. He can do this, he's got to.

He looks at the new futuristic watch on his wrist, the gift that god has given him, he will use it to do good in this world, give it a helping hand. He thinks and decides to call it "Watch Summoner". With his newfound purpose he can do this. He isn't the loser he once was, like a Phoenix he rose from his ashes and has been reborn into a new person. He will make sure this rebirth won't be a mistake.

He then hears howling in the distance, something ruffling in the bushes as it reveals to be more Beowolves coming out as they growled and snarled at him. Guess his anger and the cry of the one he killed brought them here. He sighs loudly as he got back up and brought out his MP-18 Submachine gun.

"Well better start working." He said as he loads his MP-18 and charges and gives out a war cry.


The past few days were exhausting for him. When he discovered he can gain XP by killing more Grimm as such he's spent all that time killing as much Grimm as he can so he can level up quickly and hopefully get better equipment that the ones he has.

Finding Grimm wasn't really hard to find, but finding the ones that are easy to kill were the hard part. The Grimm he encountered were mostly Beowolves, So far nothing else. Maybe the other Grimm are not as common in this part of the world, they tend to be close to populated areas.

He still lost in the forest as he can't find a good trail to follow that would lead him to civilization. Fortunately he won't starve or run out of ammo as he has infinite rations and bullets along the way with his unlimited inventory. He also brought a tent for him to sleep. But he wishes he can just find a town or a small village at least. Hopefully he'll find one soon.

A giant bear like creature with the same black skin and white skeletal armor as the Beowulf came out, stands up on its hind legs and roars.

"Oh goody. An Ursa, I always wanted to fight something else other than Beowolves." He says with a grin on his face as he attaches the bayonet on his rifle and with outstanding speed he charges towards them.

A few minutes go by and the body of the Ursa then falls to the ground, dead as it's body dissolves.

Congratulations warrior, you have reached level 10. As of now, you can summon Soldiers, weapons, Vehicles, etc.

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