Chapter Seven

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Carolyn's Pov
"Andy don't you think you are you know- buying too much stuff." I trailed off a little. I hadn't done big shopping like this in a long long time. Maybe not since Daisy was born nope... Not anything cute or adorable. Andy was tossing it into the cart, any toy that caught her attention or she was giggling out he also was tossing it in the cart while I held Daisy close on my hip.

"No I think it's perfectly okay, so she can have all the things she wants, isn't that right doll." He turned around pressing a big kiss to her forehead, these soft cute little giggles leaving him once she grabbed at his nose to rub on with loud laughter. I chuckled slightly holding her much closer to me, nibbling at my lower lip, holding her closer to me.

Andy held his arms out to take her which I carefully placed her into his grip, looking through all the items inside the cart,  I was already adding it all up inside my head.

It was gonna be expensive as hell, I could already see it. My mom still didn't really know that I was in touch with Andy, it had been a little over a month since he was now in Daisy's life and once the contract was actually set in motion. It felt like such a huge fever dream in no time.

"See mama is in so much thought she didn't hear daddy." I blinked noticing I was leaning on the cart seeing Andy cooing and bouncing Daisy in his hold with a soft grin, stroking at her tuff of cute curls.

"I wonder if her hair is ever gonna shift to like a blonde, my real hair color is blonde, but did you hear me Carolyn?" I shook my head no embarrassed like.

"Sorry I wasn't, what's up Andy?" He chuckled his blue eyes facing the floor for a moment.

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted your own place down in LA, sort of close by my penthouse. It was just a suggestion I don't think you wanna live with your mom anymore." I held my breath for a moment my eyes rounded in surprise, my own bounce of curls moving with me.

"Y-you mean like my own apartment?" I questioned my voice almost dropping to a high pitch. His head was nodding slowly his eyes looked hopeful.

"I- it would be a dream of mine to have my own place... But I don't want my mom to use the idea to go to media outlets and out Daisy and ruin your image with the band." I laughed nervous like knowing my mom would do something like that under stress.

Andy seemed to be in thought as he swayed Daisy before speaking to me flashing a casual grin my way.

"Looks like we just will have to give her some money so she can leave you alone and figure out your life."

"Carolyn come on, like inside." My eyes were wide almost frozen like, feeling Andy tugging on my hand with a hard laugh like, both our shoes squeaking and echoing around the floorboards. It was so empty yet it still look gorgeous to me. His voice was bouncing around the empty place. This couldn't be a apartment it had to have been a condo.

"So this could be a living room, you can decide on that, it's two bedrooms, one shower the kitchen is large, then you can look out to the city from that big window." My mouth dropped open, yet again he was tugging me over to stand near the large windows.

I felt like I was gonna puke from the overwhelming feeling, "Do you like it?" I turned my body to face Andy finally stammering out.

"All of this is mine?" I questioned seeing his expression soften but his smile stayed on his face nodding his head a couple times.

"Yeah all of this is yours and Daisy, the first two months are paid off, and they already settled out something with your mom so.." I watched him dig his hands inside his pockets handing me a set of keys the soft smile staying on his face.

"Time for you to start the next chapter of your life Carolyn, without worries and stress." My shaky hands held the keys tightly in my palm, I tossed my arms around him so quickly squeezing him getting a small surprised yelp from him, some laughter left him in shock.

"Thank you Andy... For everything." I muttered it was like a small deep pause before I felt his arms encircle around me.

"Oh sweetie... You don't have to thank me... Thank you for giving me a chance for us to have a better relationship and actually be a father, thank you for forgiving me..." His warm palms carefully rubbed my back up and down a few short times before we pulled away from the embrace he smiled at me cupping at my face.

"You need to stop worrying about every little thing and just let go okay, here breath with me and let's just let go." I sank my shoulders back before I followed his breathing taking a huge breath in with him both of us exhaling roughly, a small chuckle left me inhaling a bit.

"Yeah new chapter gotta start there don't I?" I whispered gazing out the window the view was more then beautiful, more then what I really deserved actually.

"How about to start do you wanna meet the band?"

Carolyn (Andy Biersack Bwwm) Where stories live. Discover now