Chapter Six

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Carolyn's Pov
It was a normal morning so far, Daisy being loud while I fed and held her in my hip, scanning my eyes for the biggest hospital bill, I had seen. We agreed even though I did bicker with him for what felt like hours, I would pay half, he would pay half. He wanted to pay the whole thing.

I held the piece of paper, before setting it aside lifting Daisy up hearing her laughing as she was looking over my shoulder watching the TV from the living room. I slowly rubbed at her back with a light chuckle.

"Guess you are excited to see daddy aren't you? I don't blame you, he's really fun  when he isn't freaking out over everything." I muttered a little almost like she could answer me back.

I was very fast to scoop up the piece of paper from the counter folding it up and stuffing it inside my jean pocket watching my mom coming out from her bedroom, looking quite exhausted.

"What are you doing up so early?" She grumbled out rushing to the coffee machine brewing up a cup.

"I got somewhere I'm taking Daisy that's all." I answered clearing my throat a little feeling her eyes on me. It was like my body jerked out of reflects hearing the loud beep from outside, balancing Daisy yanking my phone out seeing a very simple text of here.

I pushed myself off the counter grabbing Daisy's diaper bag hosting it over my shoulder.

"I'll be back later mom, try not to overwork yourself." I called out rushing out the door, not waiting for an answer, I just wanted one simple day where the sunshine could just bloom without worry.

"Alright, I'm actually happy you were able to come in so fast today, I can see you are doing well after your fainting accident." I nodded my head a couple times.

Taking a glance at Andy who was sitting right next to me holding Daisy in his lap playing with her with a smile, occasional laughing with her and kissing her cheeks, and in the other seat was Juilet. Lovely woman she was, real mature. For the most part.

"Yes I'm doing fine, can I see the contract now please?" I saw Andy snap his head up really fast in confusion arching an eyebrow.

"What contract?" He questioned in a firm tone. I didn't have a small chance to explain it when the management team already was.

"We called Carolyn yesterday night to inform her of a small contract, now that you two will be co-parenting as well when it makes public she can't sue for the incident from tour last year, as well as other things." Andy looked very displeased with this.

"She's not using me for money and hasn't, she has three jobs for fuck sakes. She isn't gonna rob me of money, she's hard working don't treat the mother of my daughter this way." Juliet touched at his arm tenderly.

"Baby I don't think it's a bad thing... Isn't it smart to avoid future costs." She spared me a small glance tucking her blonde hair away behind her ears slowly.

"Carolyn isn't like that and I trust her." I gave him a soft smile sitting up in my seat a bit.

"Andy we are just trying to be safe for yours and the band's image." Andy just scoffed a bit rolling his eyes, keeping Daisy in his grip.

"The image was long ruined, and I'm trying to fix it as we speak, but here let this go on the record," I leaned forward taking Daisy from him when he handed her over to me gently, she was cooing loudly grabbing at my hair making me whine quietly rubbing at her back.

"I don't want her signing this contract you guys are making her seem like she is an animal, instead write this contract out. I want half of whatever I start making goes to Daisy and Carolyn, I want them to be comfortable." The loudest gasp left me, and even Juliet facepalmed a little holding at her face.

"Andy what are you doing? No don't do that.. It's not a problem signing this." I stammered out, his blue eyes held a lot of emotion, he just shook his head looking back at his management team.

"I gotta start somewhere, so make that a contract, will both sign that." Was his final answer, I sighed a little, yet all Andy did was just pinch my cheeks slightly with a soft grin kissing Daisy's forehead in the process.

The management team took their time leaving the office to go type and print out another contract, all the while Andy had to take a call leaving me to stand up pacing around with Daisy to calm her down a little.

"This is all your fault for not staying in a little girls place." I didn't spare her a small glance my nose wrinkled up a little in place.

"Listen Juilet, I apologize greatly for what happened on tour, I know it messed up your relationship with Andy, hell I don't care if you hate me, it doesn't concern me, I have my own problems to worry about just like you, I'm eighteen now and if tearing down an eighteen year old makes you feel better about yourself well... That's kinda sad really." I muttered pressing a small kiss to Daisy head giving her a soft smile. It was quiet once again, all but a small scoff of display.

"Mature answer.." She muttered.

Carolyn (Andy Biersack Bwwm) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora