My Alphan Omega Part 4 (Finale)

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Time-skip to 3rd year at UA.

**M/n's hero name : Braveheart **

(M/n decided to use the nickname given at school because it described him well and also fits perfectly with his Alpha's soulmate tattoo - the winged heart, swords, and shield).

**Height: 5'11ft (again way taller vs a regular Omega who tends to stop at 5'6ft)**

**Weight: 162 lbs**

**Age: 18 yrs old**

Katsuki Bakugo :

Height: 6'3 ft

Weight: 180 lbs

Age: 18 yrs old

Izuku Midoriya:

Height: 6'1 ft

Weight: 190 lbs

Age: 18 yrs old

Katsuki is fuming as he stomps towards a certain green haired dumbass that is currently too busy studying nonstop without a fucking notion of time nor when its appropriate to just fucking stop. It's fucking 7:01pm and the damn nerd hasn't come down his room since fucking yesterday! Not to mention, the stupid idiot has been eating the shitty junkfood that he stores under his damn bed again, like some goddamn squirrel, instead of having actual fucking food like a normal fucking person and Katsuki has had enough of this fuckery!! So he slams Deku's room open cuz of fucking course the nerd is too damn busy studying to even think about his privacy or security. "DEKU!!" He roars at the other. Izuku after hearing the door slam so violently as well as  his nickname being yelled so loudly,  panics and lets out a yelp. In his freakout,  he yeets the book in his hands  forwards and straight into the wall with such force that some small part of his mind is worried he has damaged the wall again.  He isn't given any chance to defend himself as an extremely infuriated golden eyed (his inner Alpha is fed up too) Bakugo yanks his chair back roughly and proceeds to stare intensely into his very soul.

"Listen here you shitty-ass nerd! You are fucking done living like some damn recluse! It's been over 18 hours, so you are going to go fucking downstairs  and eat the MOTHERFUCKING chicken curry rice I made you for fucking dinner!!"

"B-b-but, K-kacchan-" 

"I don't wanna fucking hear your shitty excuses, Deku! How the fuck are you supposed to protect and fucking save people when you look like your going to fucking keel over and die?!"

"I-I'm al-almost d-done w-with this s-s-section! And y-you know t-that f-final e-exams are s-so cl-close a-and-"

The ballistic missile had reached his limit "THAT'S IT!!"

Katsuki interrupts Izuku's weak vain attempts at making as many stupid excuses as possible and just promptly tosses  the greenette over his shoulders like a damn sack of potatoes. Even if both boys are Alphas and have trained vigorously, Katsuki (6'3 ft) is still taller by 2 inches , though Deku (6'1ft) is much buffer but that's probably due to One for All (OFA) "Your dumbass is eating right fucking now, you shitty Alpha!!"  So the nuclear terminator makes his way downstairs with Izuku who has by now stopped trying to make excuses and has properly accepted his fate. Meanwhile, the rest  of Class 3-A, save for M/n and Todoroki, just stares in awe at the relationship as both males come down the stairs. It's never a dull moment with the blond's pack which also includes his soulmate M/n, Izuku, the Baku Squad, and the Omega Shouto Todoroki whose subsequently Izuku's soulmate.

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